Beep boop.. Gathering new poll data! (Patreon)
Hey friends! So the floor is now open for event suggestions for next month's poll (March). If you have an idea of something you'd like to see in the game- an event, interaction, item, skill, etc- feel free to let me know on this post or through a private message, and I'll add it to the list!
We ended up with one suggestion for February, so rather than doing a poll this month, I'll just add the suggestion to the game. The premise was for Kiera to get teased back for having a stinky bum if she had teased the videogame boys for being in pull-ups earlier in the story. So, I'll be adding that interaction this month. It's a great idea- love me some karma!
This leaves us with a 100% success rate of people getting their suggestions into the game so far.. pretty good odds! xD
The next poll will be your last shot at getting a request in before the April 1 update, so if there's something you'd really like to see in the update, give it a go! (I may even add multiple suggestions if I have the time.)
Anyways, I'm off to write about a certain stinky Little bottom! Talk to you soon! :)