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Weird mood today. I'll be doing some tasty editing today and then tomorrow, probably around 12 CDT, it'll be time for a tasty editing stream! By that point, I might be finishing up the video so you'll get to see some later video edits. We'll see. I was very lackadaisical this weekend in my editing efforts, so it might not actually be that late in the video haha. I feel like it's the holidays already, but damn if I can just push through! 

I massively appreciate everyone's feedback on the thumbnails the other day! I've taken all of your thoughts into consideration, sat down with Photoshop, had a small crisis that was followed with immense clarity. I'm happy with what I came up with, and that's thanks to you all. 

Not much else to say right about now other than look forward to this video coming Friday! I'm happy to see it go up and even happier to see 2024. Next year is going to be big. It's a whole new ballgame now that the backlog project is in the rearview. Get hype. Get jolly. Get festive. Let's wrap up 2023 with a bang. 



Ain’t no way you made a Dak Prescott QB cadence reference. How many people will get that?

Mike's Productions

Great video, Daryl. Looking forward to seeing more types of fiction analysis videos. The time travel one introduced me to Gunbuster, which I’m very grateful for. I think there is another type of interruption to fiction consumption that’s worth talking about, and that is the circumstances of your consumption. If you dislike a movie, is it because the movie was bad, or because of the crying baby or the kid that was kicking your seat or the crappy food or the person you watched it with that you secretly dislike? I’m currently going through something a bit similar. I picked up 13 sentinels because of the backlog video, and while I was excited to start it, I’m pretty frustrated with it so far. But my right arm currently has severe nerve damage and barely functions. I have to play the game on my switch with one hand alternating between the left and right joy con. So am I not enjoying the game because my circumstances result in constant distractions, or if I was perfectly healthy, would it be something I was passionately enjoying? Like you said in the video, we can’t turn off our analytical brain to do anything about this problem, and we can’t make sure that the circumstances we consume something are always ideal. But both issues might be something worth keeping in mind when discussing pieces of media with others so that we can have a less judgmental and more open mind about them.