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HAHAHAHAHA I started Silent Hill 2 today. Help me.

And per everyone's recommendation, I went with the original and not the remaster or whatever they made. Only like an hour in but something about this game... just... nestles up under my skin. Like the enemies aren't even difficult yet and I just do NOT want to be here. This should be fun. 

If you want to see me play this or another mystery game (which means I haven't decided yet lol) come hang out at 11AM CDT this morning as I try not to shit my pants. A little backlog stream for you guys. Maybe the first of a couple this week. Anything could happen.

I've beaten quite a few games in the past week, or at least it feels like it. I'm just gonna put this out there, is it normal to be stuck in Lisa: The Painful? I started it too. It's quirky, has an interesting premise, but I have no clue where to go. This game is also hard? Why I am not having fun? Where did my grammar go? 

I'm experiencing a little bit of brain-rot this week my friends. Totaling up what I've beaten on the backlog this weekend, getting it all in order, recalling what I've played each month, and ensuring all of my records and written thoughts are coherent has been simultaneously satisfying and exhausting. It feels like I'm organizing the scribblings of a madman.  Like... Look at this!

This is from my monthly notes and thoughts. Apparently I added "Groavity Rush" whatever that is. Spelling and grammar all over the place. And WHAT in the sweet passionate fuck is Chocolate Tornado??? WHY AM I NOT MEANT TO FORGET IT?!

Yeah so this video will definitely not be complicated to make. 

Anyways, see you at 11 for some pre-Halloween spooks and maybe more this week for some post Halloween backlog scrambling. 

XOXO, Gossip Girl.


Wendriel Le Fay

Silent Hill 2. You are most certainly not ready, LOL. I've watched full playthroughs of this game multiple times and I don't think I'm ready to see it again, much less play it myself. But it's a wonderful "spooky season" game and possibly the most mature and thought-provoking story that I've seen in a video game in many ways. I hope you "enjoy" it, as much as an experience like that can be enjoyed. I identify most strongly with Angela, but all the characters are very compelling. I envy people who are able to produce madman's scribblings like that, LOL. There's a certain freedom to just being able to get the information down and say, "It's okay, I'll decipher/clean this up later". It also probably leads to more things actually getting done. In my case, I would have seen something like that, and either devoted too much time to getting it in order or just deleted it and lost the information entirely. That aside, I can only imagine how daunting the conclusion of the backlog project must be. You're trying to not only distill a year's worth of experiences into a digestible video, but you've also got to (I imagine) link it back to the first video in some ways. It's not entirely standalone, which is usually a complicating factor. I can't wait to see what you come up with though. :) Sorry I haven't been able to make it to the recent streams- work has been ridiculous these last few weeks. I hope you're having a good one, though, and that the backlog video and the demands of day to day life combined aren't stressing you too much. Take care!


COMIN IN LATE! But oh my goodness I laughed so hard at your notes examples. I cannot tell you how many times that has happened to me in my novel revision notes. One of them even has a comment from more recent past me that says "da faq you talking about ME?!" xD Still, I'm sorry that is happening so close to the writing of the conclusion of the backlog video! That must be a nightmare x_x I'm sure it will all come together and be amazing anyway! You always make it turn out great! Also, I need to tell you I finished reading Goodbye, Eri. I didn't skip anything in the video about uploading your mind so I thought I totally had the ending spoiled, but nope. It hit soooooo much different after reading the whole thing. I am shook. I don't know what to think or feel, but holy crap I loved every thing about it. It had so many panels without dialog and yet they all said so much. Ugh. Beautiful. Gotta read it again THANKS SO MUCH FOR RECOMMENDING IT.


Glad I’m not alone there 😂 it’s bonkers innit?? No worries, I’m having success figuring it out haha. YES. Gosh I’m so glad you read it. The wordless panels are just heart wrenching sometimes aren’t they? And that ending?? Oh man, it’s an all timer imo. So pumped that you went and found it.


Yeah saying | "enjoyed" it certainly is a stretch to your point haha. But l'm happy to say I've played it. I don't think it's meant to be enjoyed, it felt purposefully grating and obtuse. The ending and the characters slowly tore my heart into pieces the more I learned. It's a phenomenal story and the remake will go absolutely bananas I'm sure. It's interesting you say that! In my experience I feel like I have to get a thought down asap before it's gone forever haha which leads to bs like this 😂 It has absolutely been a task. This weekend I rewatched the original video and made a list of "loose ends" to tie up. But I'm really optimistic. I have all the info in front of me. All the data, all my thoughts, now it's time to tell a story with it. And no worries! 10/10 can relate, so sorry work has been bonkers. I hope it slows down and becomes a little bit less of a root canal for you haha.