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Hey there. How we doing? Ready for Fall? Had enough of the Summer heat? Well in the words of Sigourney Weaver's great great grandaddy from Holes, THAT'S TOO DAMN BAD. Lmao we aren't even to August... I saw a mosquito carrying a canteen this week. Saw an Amish family putting in a window unit. It's hot than a mf and it's not stopping anytime soon. At least where I'm at haha. I hope it's cooler where you are. 

I did cool off last week though with a taste of a game called Rain World

What a strange little title... it's the first time since Hollow Knight that being in the world of the game had me simultaneously relaxed and terrified to go anywhere haha. There is a strange ghostly peace to this world. The best way I can describe it is that traversing it felt like coming back to my hometown as a child after it was decimated by a hurricane. This place has been stripped clean by mother nature and all that's left is the quiet that comes after that destruction as life begins to crawl out from hiding again. I couldn't finish it because the pace just wasn't for me, but the few hours I did play were well worth setting foot in it's world. Definitely give it a go. 

What else have I playe- ah yes. More street fighter. I can't stop. What game could possibly be enticing enough to pull me away from endless hours of struggling to stay afloat on Ranked matches...

Wait.. what's this..? Picks up box. 

Mass Effect?!

THIS GAME FUCKS. I wish I could tell you that I was ready. I wish I could tell you that I've played this before. I wish I could tell you I didn't have a small crisis when I found out that this game came out in 2007. But this right here is one hum-dinger of a game. I'm only about 7 hours in, but everything in it just works somehow (except for the combat lol but that's my problem I just don't care for shooters). The dialogue, the characters, the decisions, the side quests, the VOICE ACTING. My brothers and sisters EVERY damn line in this game is voiced. Are you fucking kidding me? I WON'T EVEN SEE THEM ALL IN ONE PLAYTHROUGH. WHAT STUDIO NOWADAYS WOULD RECORD A TON OF LINES THAT PLAYERS MAY NOT EVEN HEAR? 

The combat is a little janky, but it's growing on me and above all, when I play this, it feels like it was a passion project. Like someone that had a hand on this truly gave a damn and the fact that there are 2 more games after it is mind boggling.  A buddy of mine said that your decisions in the first one affect the story of the second two and I just... how have I not played these? I was a Star Trek fan as a kid. How on on earth did I miss this? Sign me up for more. So excited to finish this one.

Anyways, the latest video is doing well! Overall the channel analytically is just fine right now. Can't complain one bit, especially since I wasn't even that hopeful about this one haha. We take those. 

The break has been delightful and I want to give a little update on how it'll work and a few other things.

-There really weren't many bloopers on this last video, so I'm going to save them for the next batch of bloopers on the next video I do. I think it'll be a little more fun to watch that way :)

-Before I was going to take this break, the next two videos were going to drop on August 19th and September 23rd. Since I'm taking a proper month off, The August upload will be gone, but the September video may get bumped up to the 16th. We'll see.

-Still undecided on the Sans video as a placeholder/bonus video while I'm out. But even if I decide to drop it, I probably still won't tell you haha. I'll keep it as an actual surprise.

-Oh and I might be doing a little bit of streaming over the break? Maybe some casual stuff over on Twitch and maybe a little bit of Patreon exclusive stuff? If I did stream some privately here, what would you guys want to see? I'm open to suggestions because although I do want a break from production, I'd also like to keep plugged into the channel if possible. 

I hope your week goes exactly how you want it to. Talk to you all soon!


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