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I am very tired. 

Why am I like this.? "Oh I'll just make a cute little 15 minute video about elevators to ease back into things after the holidays." The man I see in the mirror is a liar. He is a tortilla chip addicted, needs to watch his sodium intake, same haircut since 2012 ass liar. And I am tired of being him. Perhaps in February I'll be him but, with self control.

Anyways, the video is going well. Lots of editing to be done but I think this is going to shape up to be a video that kind of hits all the bases. Funny, informative, creepy, original, horny (horny?) engaging, other adjectives that a man with more than 4 hours of sleep last night could conjure up. 

I took your feedback on the thumbnail (thank you for that <3) and whipped up something that I think takes the best aspects of each and comes together nicely. Aaaand probably expect to see me tomorrow for a lofi editing stream. 11 AM cst is what I'm aiming for I think. In fact count on it. I'll make it happen dammit.  I miss talking to y'all. 

So yeah, new video Friday. Send me your energy, prayers, good vibes, bad vibes, threats, idk just send me stuff because I'm gonna need it to get through this week haha. See you tomorrow. 

Oh P.S. The ending theme to Portal 1 has somehow become my favorite song this month lmao. I can't stop listening to it. It gives me peace, idk. The dry sarcasm just pairs so nicely with all of my grievances toward life at the moment, I love it. 


Wendriel Le Fay

Oh dear, you do sound as though the fatigue is spiking up the volume on that critical internal voice. I often think of Ruby Wax's TED talk where she describes it as: "But it's not just one little voice, it's a thousand little voices, all screaming at once? Like, if the Devil had Tourette's, that's what it would sound like." As much as it clearly costs you to undertake these projects and allow them to grow beyond their initial scope, which I understand happens regularly, I have nothing but admiration for your ambition and dedication. I know how easily those can turn against someone and convince them to start chipping away at other areas of their life, particularly self-care and sleep, to keep them fed, and how hard it can be to constrain a project to the established boundaries, but the guy I see when I look at you is smart, tough, dedicated, and borderline unstoppable-- and a handsome devil too, so why change the haircut? :P "Still Alive" is a magical song and I'm so glad you're getting to enjoy it. Glados' voice is such a big part of those games and capping the game off with a song is just so inspired. I'm hoping to be able to join you for the stream tomorrow, but either way, try to carve out as many seconds for yourself as you can over the next few days, even if it's just to take several deep breaths. Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy some well-earned rest once the weekend comes around. Take care.


Eeeeeeey I also got four hours of sleep last night. You are not alone!! I can't believe a video about Elevators is going to be 35 minutes long and I cannot wait xD February can bring about whatever you you want to be, I have complete faith in that. Just don't beat up that liar too hard ;) As promised though (even though I know you said you'd pass), I gotta give you my thoughts on Fire Emblem Engage. It's two biggest flaws are that they pulled the protag amnesia trick which is just weak writing and results in Alear being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, and that 65% of the character designs are atrocious. Despite those two things, I am pleasantly surprised and really love it. I don't know what reviews you read that said the characters were sub par to Three Houses. Design wise, absolutely, but personality wise they are all pretty unique and lovable in their own ways. I always felt that 50% of each house in Three Houses were kind of forgettable characters, but so far everyone I've met is very much as lovable as the Three Houses Characters Clanne especially is = to Lysithea. And I don't despise anyone nearly as much as I do Rhea and Bernadetta so it has that going for it. That said, the story is a streamlined single route. I am only on Chapter 9 so am not very far into it, but it feels a lot more like the original games which I like very much. It's so cool to be playing a Divine Dragon instead of having the divine dragon being some big plot figure head that we're either fighting or worshiping, like the others so I'm excited to see where that goes. Gameplay wise, hands down the best Fire Emblem game yet. The mechanics are so smooth and streamlined and so many quality of life choices have been added. Like icons that display when an enemy will drop items or have a high crit chance. I've been thinking a lot of your cinematography video too every time it zooms into the combat animations and the different angles it chooses. All the mini games are great too. I definitely have done way more push ups than I needed too xD. Oh, and the gatcha thing that you were worried about. You really could get away with not doing it at all. It's just there to flush out a codex about other characters in the older games and to give your characters a stat boost if you are so inclined. I really don't think they're necessary at all. Maybe they'd be useful on on Maddening, but it's no Genshin or anything. So, personally, I think you should give it a try, but I understand if you have way too much else on your plate haha. I hope to join you on the stream tomorrow, but I also just tested positive for Covid, so we will see how the virus takes hold! If I don't, have a damn good rest of your week and get more sleep!