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Howdy do. Welcome to the holiday season you absolute champions. 2023 is on the way WHICH MEANS there is only one more upload left this year. It might actually be a banger and the video above weirdly illustrates exactly what it will be about. Take a look. 

Now you may be thinking, Daryl what am I looking for here? And if so, that's the point. 

December 10th will be the first video I've done in a very long time that... actually involves exactly zero psychology. Believe it or not, it'll mostly be a video on cinematography and why what you just saw makes me physically ill. I've done a painstaking amount of reviewing old Pokémon footage, turn based RPG battle footage, and I am frankly... befuddled at how not just Pokémon, but a lot of RPGs completely fumble basic camerawork. In case you're curious to SEE my notes on each game, here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1J_hayECP3HJyhZrip_4c_4OobMwOZgnSL5COidJ0_bg/edit?usp=share_link 

Now that being said, this will not be a 30 minute long dump taken on Game Freak's head. Instead, it'll be a 30 minute circlejerk for action scene camerawork and hopefully how Game Freak (and other devs) can take RPG battle systems and make them hit harder and flow smoother WITHOUT really even toughing character animations.  

I hope that sounds fun to you because... writing a video with absolutely no mention of "study, subjects, researchers, or participants" has got me feeling some kind of way. It was an absolute roller coaster writing this. Rough in many ways, thrilling in so many more. Don't worry, psych will be back. This video simply didn't call for it. And I think that's making me a better writer

Anyways, voiceover later this week, editing all next week, lo-fi editing stream next week as well, then the video goes up for you guys on December 9th. Shortly after that I'll get you caught up on commentary streams. I owe you one for November and December. 

Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone, you might just find that by doing so, that zone expands a little bit :)

OH. HEY. Real quick... do you guys want new shirts?


Wendriel Le Fay

Wow. That footage felt like five minutes, not 25 seconds. I can't believe how dry and lifeless it felt. I don't think I could blame you for bashing GF with the biggest bat you could find, but I also know you're better than that. :) I'm sure that it is strange to be writing a video without any mention of psych at all, but I do agree that it's very likely making you a better writer. Broadening your horizons and experimenting is the foundation of creativity and growth. And yes, I am absolutely game for new shirts. I was just showing my sweater off to a friend this weekend and might have gone on a bit of a gush about how "Daryl Talks Games makes these incredible videos" in the line at the board game store. :D

Max Goldstein

“Opposing thing used blizzard!” Did it now? Did it really? I’m interested to see what you have to say about the camera work and how they don’t have to do character animations because my first impression was that there’s no way to make a blizzard attack look good without a whole lot of particle effects. Also, that background it’s like they’re in a room in Minecraft made out of diamond block.


Haha funny enough I actually make it a point early in this video that my intent is not to bash but point out how to make it better. Regarding the no psych part, it is absolutely bizarre. However both fortunately and unfortunately, it's still extremely academic. Tons of examples, references, etc. And thanks for doing that! That mental picture warms my heart :)


LMAO right? "But did you tho?" It's how so much of this game feels man. I hate that I actually liked so much of it,. But other than the performance issues, the battles were the biggest fumble to me, so here we are with this video.