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My friends, it is upload week... hopefully haha. We'll see where I am with editing. Speaking of editing, there will be no lofi video editing stream for this episode because I'd like to keep the nature of this video as secret as I can until it goes live. This one is unique in a way that will become clear later and I really don't want any of it spoiled. 

I also owe you guys commentary streams for August, September, and October soooo.... I apologize deeply for this haha. Somehow these always get away from me and I plan to make it up to you. Might do some streaming marathon days the week after this next episode goes up and knock out all of the commentaries PLUS another bonus stream where we go in and redesign a bunch of thumbnails and titles for older videos (which I've been meaning to do anyway). Could be a fun substitute for the video editing stream and a little glimpse into my thumbnail process. 

Small aside. It is difficult being a YouTuber during football season. I used to actually work on the weekends, now it's tough to peel myself away from the bigscreen lmao. 

I've done a lot of work this year on broad topics... the space between the checkpoint and the boss, how we handle losing, how closure affects our perception of games, open worlds, timers, rare collectible in games, self efficacy. I think... 2023 will have a lot more videos on specific games. More narrow topics. Character analysis like I did with Deltarune and Omori, specific levels like the video on Deepnest. I find myself missing these kind of videos and I think the reason I havent done many like that this year is because I haven't played many games in 2022. I think the backlog idea is going to help that a ton... keep the water in the fountain from getting stagnant, ya know?

Anyways, I hope your weekend was restful and that your week is an absolute V I B E.

Idk where that came from lmao, but I hope you have a good week and look forward to a new episode probably this weekend, but possibly next week. Be good :)




Hope you are doing well Daryl , excited for the new upload!


Love your videos man can't wait for the new one to drop