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Hello there my friends. Got a fun one for you today. 

Soon I'll be running a little bit of an interactive project with you all... Essentially, I have a gaming backlog that is so massive that frankly, trying to complete it all in the next year would be like taking on Hell with a squirt gun. SO, what I have attached here is in fact, that backlog. I am currently working on adding how long each game is, if it's out yet, how much said game will cost me if I don't already own it, and how badly I want to play each game.

Your job today is to check this list and if you think there is a game I absolutely need to add to it, let me know in the comments. This is the bulking phase. I'd like to include everything I can think of that I'd like to potentially play, so I checked my E-shop and steam wish lists as well as a running list I had on my phone. Let's go ahead and fill it out nicely.

The NEXT step will be the cutting phase, where I go through and systematically decide what should actually stay on that list. The meh games can exit stage left, leaving behind what is truly worth my time. Because I'd like to get this to a size where I can actually have a realistic chance of finishing it in the next year. This cutting phase will take place on a livestream that I will heavily advertise, so be sure to hop in for that when it takes place in the next week or so. 

This is all in preparation for a video dropping in November where I talk about the backlog and maaaaybe setup a year long challenge for myself? Then maaaaybe there is a follow up video next November speaking about what I learned? 

I love this idea but admittedly, I haven't fully structured the video yet haha. So if you have any input or ideas, I would absolutely love to hear them. 

Regarding September's video, I actually managed to get some flexibility on the release date so you'll see that drop on the 17th instead of the 10th and be a little more fleshed out. I'm pretty pumped about this. It needed a little more time in the oven but now I'm pretty excited to get the final product out to you guys.

I hope your week is off to a sensational start and remember, sometimes honesty is not the easiest thing, but it's usually the right thing. It may hurt in the moment, but whether your are being honest with yourself, or someone else, it's almost always going to set you at ease in the long run. Don't hide from it, face it head on. 


Master List

Sheet1 NAME,EST. LENGTH (hrs),RELEASED?,PRICE/OWNED,HOW BAD? (1-10) God of War (2018),30,Owned 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim,35,Owned Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice,15 Devotion,3 Pokemon Scarlet,Nov 20th Bayonetta Bayonetta 2 Bayonetta 3,Oct 27th Harvestella,Nov 3rd God of War: Ragnarok,Nov 8th The Call...



This is a great idea. While I already have a Doc saved with my backlog, I think adding a spreadsheet could be a fun exercise to help me narrow it down a little.


Finished my sheet today! It's 179 games long (not counting games I'm currently playing / previously started). My formula is: ( Anticipation Rate (1-4) / HLTB ) * 1,000 (just to increase range of scores). So if a game is only a few hours, it scores a lot higher. While I do enjoy long games (just finished Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore after 55 hours and nearly two months IRL), I just don't have a ton of time. Hopefully this list will help me get through my backlog quicker while also balancing long games with short ones.