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Good day. This is a monster reborn. With it, you can resurrect any game and give it a sequel or a remaster for current gen. It has to be something that you don't often hear about, a hidden gem if you will. If I hear like Ocarina of Time or Metal Gear solid, I'm gonna have to Monster Reborn Michael Jackson and hit you with the SHAMOOONE because you missed the word "hidden" in hidden gem.

I'm bringing back Kirby Air Ride for a proper Sequel. That game was so badass on so many levels. Every time people want another mario kart I get irrationally angry because Kirby Air Ride is what the world deserves. Gimme it. And gimme it with like 3 different big levels for City Trial. Open world Mario Kart with rougelike elements? Y'all really don't know what you're missing.

Anyways I'm doing this because creatively, nothing noteworthy happened this week lol. I wrote the script. It is good. It might even be great. There was a paragraph I almost deleted. I didn't. I ended up shortening it. Great bonus content, right?

Anyways, drink water, stay cool, and remember to floss. Take care of yourself. One good decision leads to another, then another, and before you know it, you're happier. Sometimes, it really is that simple.




Any of the old ace combat games. I was fortunate enough to play 0 4 5 and 7, yet the other titles still escape me.


I don't think is that "hidden", but I would like a remake of Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen... and/or maybe remakes or a sequel of the Sega Genesis Phantasy Stars.