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Hello my children.

My hands are weak. My brain is tired. By body is ready. Mom's Spaghetti.

It is upload week. This weekend you will see a new Psych of Play on Losing. Usually I'm very plugged in to the next video going up and I can sell you on it early in the week by talking about why I think it's special, how I'm feeling about it, etcetera. 

This is not the case today. I feel a vast chasm between myself and this video. It feels like I finished it years ago because I am currently on this next episode like white on rice. I am so lost in the sauce. I am so immersed in writing this next script that even right now I am struggling to remember that writing this post is not currently this next script. Am I writing this script right now? Wait, this isn't google docs. I almost typo'd and wrote google dics. Oh this is Patreon, I'm writing a patreon post. Whoa.

Anyways, the video I'm writing now will be out on June 4th. Look forward to that. I sort of... lumped my new video idea in with another video I was planning on making simply because 1) it worked nicely and 2) the thumbnail I drafted is fucking F U E G O. Or at least I think so. I could also just be simping. Idk. My mind is like that bottle of dish soap that's practically empty but you keep on squeezing it because there's just a liiiiiiiitle bit left in there. And every time you do it makes that "PFFT" sound. So then you get impatient and pour in water and shake. This gives you bubbles which "feels" like soap but is obviously less concentrated. And then you finally go to the store, get your groceries and afterwards you do your dishes and you're like "AW DAMMIT I FORGOT DISH SOAP". So you just use the hand soap which feels wrong but you do it anyways. Or maybe you aren't boojie and you also wash your hands with dish soap so there's only one bottle available. Then you're in real trouble. Anyways, yeah I'm tired.

BUT all that aside, I feel really damn good. I like both of these videos I'm working on and and  and and overall I feel kind of... excited about the future. I have a lot of great topics lined up for a change and it's starting to be fun to make videos again. It's also fun actually playing games again. I'm trying to get a few smaller titles played as well as get through the juggernauts like Xenoblade. I think overall I need to play more games which starts with attacking my backlog and I've made a strategic effort to get that done with the anime I want to watch. Now I just need to do the same for my games. It all comes down to sticking with a schedule.

That's enough rambling. You are a treasure, you are good enough, and you are in control. Go fucking slap this day across the face and apologize then ask it nicely to go your way. 


Wendriel Le Fay

Wow. I feel the fatigue and I'm sending you all the supportive vibes I can, but this post is so incredible that it should be framed as the number one reason to subscribe to DTG's Patreon. :) I'm so glad that you feel energized and excited about the future, and that you're so fired up about the next script. I can't wait for the next videos and I'm sure they'll both be wonderful. I've been working on my backlog too, or at least trying to structure a framework for getting through it, LOL. It can be so easy to diffuse your time among a variety of things and not make real progress on any of them, so a schedule is definitely a key ingredient. Also, the story about dish soap was not only thoroughly relatable, but reminds me of a chapter in one of Jewel's memoirs ("Never Broken", I think) where she describes "The year of Irish Spring". Basically her father told the kids that they could pick one kind of soap and that was what they would use for everything- handwashing, bathing, laundry, and dishes. They chose Irish Spring, so everything smelled like that, LOL. You're a damn treasure yourself, Daryl. Take care, keep cranking out the awesome content, and remember to take a deep breath and a moment to yourself once in a while. You absolutely deserve it.


"That's enough rambling. You are a treasure, you are good enough, and you are in control. Go fucking slap this day across the face and apologize then ask it nicely to go your way." Whew, I needed that reality check, finals are rough. Glad to hear you're having fun making videos, looking forward to seeing them!


Hahaha the Irish Spring bit is perfect, if it suds it scrubs! Glad you enjoyed the chaotic tired energy of this post and best of luck with your backlog. Kinda wild that these days we have to perfectly strategize and schedule our leisure activities lmao


Hang in there! I know finals are a royal pain, but that payoff once they're all done is one of the best feelings ever as I'm sure you know. Keep chopping that tree, it's gonna fall