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IT'S UPLOAD WEEK BAYBAY. Attached you will find a handful of screenshots from the first few minutes of the video. This is a really strange episode but hopefully, you guys will vibe with it. It will be live for you on Friday and live to the channel on Saturday!

I took your advice and essentially mashed together the two previous thumbnails I showed you all before. The best elements from each stitched together, if you will. I'm pretty happy with it.

Lots of bloopers on this video as well, so look forward to seeing that next Monday after the upload :)

Once again, I'm befuddled at how I can manage to keep making these videos longer and longer. This one is sitting at about 25 minutes.... I suppose this is just the new norm haha. Oh! And I actually have a good handful of ideas for the May episode, some I haven't talked about, so expect a vote soon.

I'll keep this post short and sweet this week because, frankly, video editing is a time vampire... and I'm all out of garlic.

LoFi editing stream soon! Maybe tomorrow, maybe Wednesday. Maybe later today? Expect the unexpected. Talk soon!

Oh, and because I've had to remind myself of this several times this weekend, it will all get done. Take your time, breath, laugh at yourself, and keep on going :)




As someone whose first MMO was Ultima Online, I am *very* curious about what that 'horse dung' screenshot is referring to. Can't wait for the video!


Three cheers for upload week! I'm sure video editing must be siphoning a crazy amount of your time, but the work is always evident in the final product. Quality like that doesn't come easy or quick. :) I think 20-25 minutes may just be the sweet spot for Psych of Play. It's a difficult thing to gauge, because of course certain topics are more complex than others, and certainly the shorter episodes never felt less complete, but there is a richness and depth to the recent entries that comes with the increased length. I suppose the best analogy I can come up with is that the shorter episodes are like snapshots or articles, and the longer ones are like a photo gallery or a small collection of essays around the same topic. You have more space and breadth to be multifaceted. And while I wouldn't object to even longer episodes in principle, I feel that there'd be a risk that they'd get less focused if they were to get much longer. Looking forward to the vid and to the Lofi stream! Those are both always highlights of my day. :) And indeed, everything will get done. I often think of a song by Deana Carter that went, "You've got to make history one day at a time."