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Hello my friends! Here is the first episode of the monthly commentaries coming to Patrons. 

We're looking at the Mah Eliya Shrine from BOTW and talking more about divergent thinking. Let me know what you think and what you'd like to see in a follow up Psych of Play to this. I feel like there is a lot left on the table with this topic and I think it deserves a full episode in the future.


COMMENTARY: "How Mah Eliya Shrine Incorporates Divergent Thinking"

In this episode, we dive into my first video essay! My apologies for the bit of lag in the capture of the old video, still working through the kinks of using streamlab. Original Video: https://youtu.be/Na7uIg2nFq0 Next time we'll be looking at the "Why you Suck at Exams video!"


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