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This version starts as alredy SSB and  is whitout the character roster update, so in this way who use revamp assets will not ovewrite the model from the roster.

there is something new in this quick alternative release ( the aura charge skill whit the original SSB sound) Godly spirit! 

kaioken has got a new VOX preset wich makes Goku even more angry when he goes X10KK. Edited the original BAC file and the skill vox sound, new sfx will be installed with the character all included in XM2. Working on both Japanese and English, sound more powerful in english.




How did you change the character slot pictures ?


to make your own custom avatar you need first an exsample file of the potrait took from the game, to use the same size. use paint.net as program to edit your avatar, drag and drop the new texture on the actual texture you are using, erase the background and save the new dds texture.