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“What do you mean I’m not your type?” Devin pleaded with all his might. 

Inside the employee break area, Devin and Richie politely went at it, butting heads, over their apparent mismatch in attraction. Both young men were full of vitality. Devin was brown-haired with scruff, and he had a well-built body from years of working out. He carried himself in such a way that masculinity radiated off him. In contrast to Devin, Richie was masculine but in different ways. Richie too sported a nice amount of chest hair, although he was a blond so it gave him a more youthful look. Still, Richie was deep-voiced like Devin, and he had a toned figure as well. 

Richie smiled, but also wanted to move on from the awkward conversation. In thought, Richie was simply not into Devin and merely wanted to remain co-worker-friends. ‘Does he really not get the message?’

Eventually Richie was forced to be a little mean… “Look, I’m into a completely different type of guy.”

Devin wasn’t taking no for an answer… “How far off can I be? I’ve got muscle! And I can show you a really good time!”

As Devin’s rejection and the subsequent anger hit a peak, he spat out, “You have no idea what you want!” 

As Devin turned to leave the area, Richie too hit a peak in his annoyance… “Devin wait up, come back.”

“Yea?” Devin said, having a reason to smile now.

“I’ll tell ya what my type is, and then you can try being it… Deal?” Richie offered, but his tone was a bit mysterious. 

Devin jumped at the opportunity with Richie. “Sure.”

Richie walked a tad closer to Devin and clearly broke a certain, natural bubble of personal space. Devin tried to take a step backward but ended up bumping into a counter. 

Richie began, all the while inches from Devin’s face, “I like me a good twink boy. Ya know, the whole package…”

Devin was puzzled as he listened. “Huh?”

“Yea man, a twink. One of those ones with a skinny, small body, an oversized dick, a severe lisp with waving wrists… The whole package.”

Devin again tried to create some physical space but found Richie to be coming in for a kiss!

Richie whispered now, “I’m going to kiss you now, and the rest of the shift should be fun for you.”

With little warning, Richie went in for the kiss. Secret to Devin, Richie was infecting him with a grueling transformation process that would gradually work on Devin’s body for the remainder of his shift, turning him into Richie’s perfect type of guy.

Devin was not amused. “Fuck off Richie!” He added, “I’m not a twink you perv. If that’s what you’re into then go to a gay club!”

At that exact moment, the restaurant manager entered and provided the perfect out for Devin. Devin was able to create space as Richie moved back. 

Frank the manager was not kind to homosexuals. For the most part he was harmless but Devin concluded it was his own masculine nature that shielded him from Frank’s worst side. 

“You two! Get back out there!” 

Richie and Devin copped an evil glare at each other before making a dart for the dining room. 

Devin resolved to, ‘deal with this later.’

*  *  *

Roughly an hour had passed and Devin was back into a solid workflow. Still, he was annoyed with the evening as a whole because of his earlier altercation with Richie. To make matters worse, Richie was mere feet away waiting tables in his own section. The constant reminder had Devin’s mind racing…

Devin thought, “Why would anyone prefer twinks? I mean- they’re so faggy!” Devin, despite being gay, wasn’t into the feminine culture associated with twinks. He kept thinking about how much he hated them.

While in the process of taking an order however Devin had his voice crack rather abruptly, once at one table, then again at a different table…

“Gotcha, thREE chicken sands with frIEs.” Devin crackled and stuttered a bit before walking away to clear his throat. 

In addition to the voice-crack, Devin realized he had a subtle case of dizziness. “I’m going to the bathroom really quick,” he thought. He hurried to the bathroom and approached the sink… “Gotta snap out of this crap!” After Devin freshened up he decided to rub his throat a bit in an attempt to sooth it. Upon rubbing it, Devin swore his Adam’s apple looked different… “Smaller?” Devin cleared his throat once more and watched his throat intently. “Hmm…”

Before he left, Devin checked out his reflection in the mirror. The dizziness had not subsided and it left him needing to reaffirm his balance. In order to do so, Devin grabbed the counter and looked toward the floor. “My pants--! Since when are these pants too long?” Devin noticed his pants leg was beginning to cover his shoe. 

“Fuck it- I gotta get back out there!” Devin rushed to collect himself before darting out of the men’s restroom. 

Thirty minutes later—

Richie was keeping a close eye on Devin, although Devin was not aware of that. Instead, Devin was tending to his increasingly busy section. In the midst of running around, Devin suddenly found his arms and wrists sticking out from his hips. Not until he was mid-stroll did he realize… “What the fuck?!” He forced his wrists and arms flat with the use of his conscious mind. “…Not letting that happen again!” 

Devin almost tripped over his pants on his way to take an order from a new table… a table full of construction workers. On a normal day Devin would have little-to-no anxiety in regards to a table of masculine, crude men. Today however, Devin found himself approaching the table with only one thought on his mind… “I hope I don’t have any weird things happen in front of them… certainly nothing gay, jesssus!”  Devin wondered why he annunciated the ‘jesus’ so much in his head, almost dramatically, and with sass that felt like it was on the verge of coming out of his mouth.

Putting all ¬mental stress aside, Devin began his usual table-greet…

“Hey gu..u..y..ss! My name is D..EVin----” 

Horror struck as Devin heard his quite-feminine demeanor. The voice emanating from his mouth was different. Gone was a deep voice and in its place existed a much softer-toned, boyish voice. Not only the tone, but Devin had completely dramatized the articulation of the words. “A lisp?!” Devin’s confidence had been shattered and all he could do was tense up out of embarrassment. 

Devin looked to one of the construction men and saw him begin to gloat in the apparent lack of masculinity that stood before him. With no more time for pause, Devin began rattling off the dinner specials. As he did, his hip began jutting out as he shifted his posture to include crossed legs. It was rather bold – the stance – and not until Devin saw another one of the men scan him up and down (with a look of disgust) did he realize what he’d been doing.

In his attempt to correct his image while standing there, Devin proceeded to take the orders from the men, forcing his legs straight again in the process. He also cleared his throat, praying that whatever was left of his old voice would come through. Luckily, he hadn’t lost all-too-much height or muscle so that wasn’t as much of a concern.

A sigh of relief - As Devin walked away from the rather humiliating interaction with his recent table, there seemed to be less and less room inside his crotch area. “I guess it’s… my walk?” Devin clearly blamed his altered walk for the change in comfort. In reality it was Richie’s kiss that was slowly growing Devin’s cock to match the stereotypical over-endowed twink that would make him Richie’s type of guy. 

“I can’t take it- something’s up…” Again, Devin vowed to get to the bottom of (and remedy) the strange happenings to his body during this shift. Like clockwork, Devin approached the bathroom sink to analyze his situation. Already he knew something was very wrong… “Why am I so short?” Indeed, Devin was shorter, by over a foot. His height was not the only worry. Devin noticed immediately how much younger his face looked. Gone was the subtle shadow on his face, gone was his masculine Adam’s apple, and gone was his ability to pose and carry himself in a ‘normal’ way. 

“No no no no!” Devin muttered to himself inside the empty bathroom. “I have- I have to get back out there.” 

Try as he might, Devin was unable to lower his arm and wrist back down to his side. Each time he forced it down, a strange sensation of discomfort overpowered him and caused his arm to fling it back out in the most feminine way. 

Attention to his dick was more immediate after Devin felt himself begin to get hard while standing there. “Why is this- happening? …It feels so… tight.”

Devin took a breath and peeked down his pants. It took only a second to realize the discomfort was not in his imagination… 

“Ugh fuck, oh no! It’s huge… Why does it look so thick??” Devin saw his dick now took up the entire cup of his underwear, and it was beginning to bulge out of the seams. “And where’s my bush?” 

Rather than cuss or punch a wall, Devin found himself waving his arms and rolling his eyes at the mirror. Even at the sight of his feminine mannerisms, Devin was unable to slow them, even now. 

A quick swing of the door had Richie barging in… “Devin, there you are! Your table complained about you… said you were being unprofessional…”

Devin huffed – and was about to confront Richie about the transformation he was experiencing but was shocked to hear himself say something else entirely… “Richie, those guys are sooo hot!” With the wrist flicks and all, Devin now stood a foot shorter than Richie.

“Oh Devin, you are such a little gay boy… so cute.” Richie smiled, although Devin suddenly remembered this wasn’t right…

“Richie, you did this…” Devin retorted rather quick. “Why am I like this? I’m turning into some… twink…”

“That’s right man… or rather boy,” Richie moved in closer to Devin. “You aren’t turning into one, you are one.” Immediately Richie grabbed Devin’s pants… his bulge. “Looks like somebody is horse-hung,” Richie said with a smirk. “…On such a small boy,” he added. 

Feeling angry now, Devin pushed Richie away with all his might. The force he pushed with was not enough to disable Richie, but it was enough to escape the tight confines of the bathroom. Devin stormed out with only one thing on his mind… “Act normal, act chill, just go to Frank and tell him you have to go home.” 

Unluckily for Devin, Frank was not too keen on this new version of Devin. Perhaps the first sign of trouble was the look of inferiority Devin received when he first walked up to Frank while he was talking with some of the line cooks. It wasn’t long before Devin felt like every one of the employees was staring at him, including Frank. Whereas the ‘old’ Devin would have no issue asking to go home, this new twinkified version of Devin seemed to rub Frank the wrong way. 

“Hey Frank sssomething came up I gotta go home like now.” Pure embarrassment was what Devin felt as his actions betrayed his mind, acting flamboyant as ever. 

Frank ushered Devin into the manager’s office and abruptly told him to sit down…

“Devin I’ve had enough of the silliness. You are getting complaints and you are not what the company is looking for. You are not a good match for our guests.” 

“You’re fired Devin.”

Devin more-or-less stood there in awe for a second. Eventually he stormed out of the office and on a mission to find Richie.

“I’ve gotta find Richie. He’s so hot… I mean- no! Wait! He did this thing to me, ugh!” Devin’s mind was racing as he dramatically sped-walked the corridors looking for Richie. By the time he caught up with him there was no trace of ‘masculine Devin.’ 

“Richie, I just got fired!” 

Richie seemed artificially shocked as Devin spilled the beans on the what’d happened. 

“Oh gosh! Well good luck with everything.” Richie definitely appeared unaffected.

Richie and Devin both stood there for a second. Devin looked like he wanted to say something but was unable to spit it out. 

“What?” Richie barked at the awkwardness. 

“I hope you aren’t crushing on me kid. You’re cute but you don’t have a job anymore… I like my guys to with jobs. Sorry bro,” Richie explained.

As Devin’s sexual tension increased, as did his arousal. Devin’s hung dick expanded to a point it was on display through his pants. Richie extended his hand over to Devin’s pants and rubbed gently. “Awe, what’re you going to do with that big dick?” 

Devin fought back, but again his words betrayed him. “Like, let me just sssuck your dick. You’re so hot.”

Richie made his way around Devin and onward to the exit. “Sorry bud, good luck with everything. I’m sure you’ll find a guy you’re type.”



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