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Happy easter eveyone 

I couldnt upload alot of content last month, but this will change now during april.

Rey short movie updates:

I did put alot of work in new animations and reworked visuals for my Rey Short movie. 

I will post new and reworked content in 2-3 waves through the month in seperate posts.

I did put the most effort to Rey x dark Rey stuff. So this will be the theme for this month. Hope you will like all the content and leave some feedback there.

Ellie (vote animaton)

Looking forward to hopefully complete this animation this month. I will upload new work in progress footage during this week.

Random content:

Im gonna upload some older work in progress content during this month. Featuring Ivy Valentine (Sould Calibur), Wonderman (Injustice 2), and many more.

Thanks for your support everyone. Hope you had nice hollidays., and i hope you doing well.





Very excited for the Rey x dark Rey stuff!

Des Solatt

It's April now by the way, bud. Hahaha I know you mean April though, I just gotta raz ya. Lol


lmao. oh well, then lets just repeat march. jokes aside. I was wiriting this before going to bed, guess my mind wasnt there anymore haha.