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Hey everyone,

this again is a quick post to let you know what content you can expect to see this month. 

Morrigan (Dragon Age) animation.

I will complete this animation pretty soon. It is a public animation, so supporters and non supporters will have acces to it. It will feature sound and might be arround 12 seconds long. I will post an updated work in progress version later today. 

Rey (Star Wars)

I plan to upload a bunch of images and new work in progress animations from my Rey short movie project. I can allready say that this short movie with Rey wont be the last, i have alot of ideas (Dark Rey for example) with her, so expect to see more from her in the future.

Random content

Sometimes i test some models for future projects, or i complete some old images/animations, expect some random content if i have enough time for it.

Short movie order:

1.Rey (Star Wars)

2.Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3 Remake)

3.Tifa (Final Fantasy VII Remake)

I have put the most work in my Rey project  so far , so it just makes the most sense to complete it first. After that  i will move to the other projects. That means that during the next 1-2 months i will upload a ton of Rey content. In other words, i hope that i can complete my work with Rey till the end of septemeber, and then come up with a legit release date.

I put Jill on second for now, cause i have a very good model to work with, wich will simply allow me to work quicker and easier than with the current Tifa model.  That Tifa model still needs work, and i dont know yet when it will be ready to work with yet, so thats the reason why Tifa is the last in line.

Hope this post helped you a bit to, let me know if you have any questions. 

Thanks for your support !! Be safe, have a nice day.



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