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Disclaimer: I want to take atleast 2 more days to complete this animation. I want to give it more detail and life, cause it looks still uncanny in some places. I also want to enhance the sound, so i will work on it as well to make it more realistic. 

I wanted to release this animation originally around christmas, so i dont wanna let you down and atleast show you what i got. Therefore i share with you the latest "work in progress build" to safe you some waiting time. Hope you will like it allready. 

Right now only a watermarked 720p version is available, but i will change it during the next days when i completed the animation. Its 51 seconds long and has sound allready. Checkout the tier 2 archive´s work in progress folder to download the animation.


Uploaded a updated version. I only have to get rid of some chroma issues (noise image) in the background, otherwise the animation is complete. I will upload the fixed version with reworked sound later today up to 4k resolution.



thanks for your patience and your great support through the year !!


work in progress:



Tier 1:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-stuff-16364396 

Tier 2:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/archive-8826541 

Tier 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/4k-animation-16309826 

Tier 4: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-4-archive-8709278 

Wish you all a happy new year !!





Fuck yeah! Amazing work. Hope there's more Rey to come


Thank you. Yeah, there is. I work on new Rey content besides working on other projects, cause this Rey model is super easy to work with.