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This is the last update before release of all animations.

I allready uploaded 1 new animation, i will upload 2-3 more later today.


Tier 2 supporters have now acces to the previous update

Uploaded another improved animation for Tier 3 and 4 supporters. Uploading another improved animations in a few hours.



Tier 2:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/archive-8826541 

Tier 3:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/4k-animation-16309826 

Tier 4:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/tier-4-archive-8709278 

Notes for the public release version:

"the early acces content is stated as "work in progress" and is not representative for the final product. The release version will of course have more details, the animations will look smooth, and be as flawless as possible."

-The public release version will include some looped animations wich i will post on twitter, and all the other animations as a whole cutted together like a short movie in a logical order. That means all animations will fit together in a logic order with Moxxis music playing in the background. Some animations will have sound effects as well.

-Tier 2 or higher patreon supporters can download the special as a whole and/or every animation  individually. Some of them are looped, so i guess downloading them  individually  makes sense.

-I will release the Special during the end of this month, starting with the looped animations. I wont call a certain day though. Its done when its done.

-a new BF3 Moxxi animation  might get delayed to november. Tier 2 and higher Supporters of this month will be able to download this exclusive animation no matter if they continue their support or not. More details in a few days.

Thanks for your great support as always.  If you have feedback or questions, dont hesitate and comment or send me a message here on patreon, twitter, or discord. I answer ASAP.



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