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The standard WIP Archive, as well as the new Tier 3+ WIP archive are now enabled.

Once you enter the WIP Archive, you will see a folder for my "old" wip Content, and one for my new upcoming Content. 

The new Content will have all the changes in terms of "Tier rewards", while the old content Folder stays the same. It would have just be to much work to change all the watermarks etc. So i leave my old content like it is for now.

I allready uploaded new work in progress content to both archives. I plan to update my archives once or twice a month with new Content . my detailed "Status Reports" will return as well.

Here are both archive links:



Here are previews for this months WIP Content update:

2 commissions wich i will release very soon.

Some Lightning tests




name name

Are these commissions just the loops we see or are they short-ish animations? Excited either way!


The Triss commission is a 16 second long animation, the other one is arround 7 seconds. both are looped