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I did a similiar poll months ago, but since time has passed and things have changed, i like to do a new Poll to determine wich project you guys would like to see next.

I allready worked on some projects wich i want to finish, and i have new projects in mind wich are in a concept phase. Concept phase means, that i build some setpieces, i did some ruff poses, but nothing more. All of those projects will have a shorter runtime than my previous projects. This will help me to deliver quality content faster. Im thinking of runtimes between 2 and 3 minutes, nothing more. Of course with sound included.

So, here are some of the projects i have in my head where i did some setbuilding/poses, and those where i actually allready worked on (Laras workout, Jill - Camp nights). Decide wich project/wich character you want to see, and after this poll is done, i will pick the 2 most high voted Characters/Projects and decide wich one i will complete next. Simple as that.

Happy voting everyone !!

For everyone wondering:

"Witches of the Wilds" wont be listed here, cause i will take my time with that project and determine my own pace. It´s done when its done. 


Ladies Man 7777

Plz dont vote Rey or Jill, they alrdy have a ton of anims out there. Tina, Moxxi, Life is strange, Ivy sound best n r new n different


Pleaaaase Ivy, pleaaase

Des Solatt

Definitely need more Chloe Frazer