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Thats right, my work in progress archive will soon be open for patreon supporters again. That means you will be able to download my work in progress content almost like before. I will enable the WIP archive with all changes and new content during the end of this month.

Attention: Those changes only affects my work in progress content (WIP archive). Every other archive is untouched/stays the same.

Changes for Tier 2 supporters:

work in progress footage is provided with a larger watermark than before. The watermarks wont hide anything important, but it will be harder to remove them. Also: The resolution for new upcoming work in progress images will be set to 1080p. Animations will stay at 720p.

Changes for Tier 3 supporters:

2k resolution for work in progress images, but 1080p resolution for work in progress animations.  The content will be marked with noticeable but well placed watermarks. 

Tier 4 supporters:

4k resolution for work in progress images, 1080p resolution for work in progress animations. Only  2 little watermarks are visible.

Its all about protecting my work and at the same time giving higher tiers a bit more rewards for their pledges/make it possible for you to view and download my work in progress content. 

Hope you agree with those changes. And if not, give me some feedback  and let me know your opinion. 

Thanks for your support !!




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