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Yes bois, its finally here.

Most of my future animation projects will now include motion capturing. It wasnt cheap, but i think that this is the next step wich will help to increase the speed of my workflow. Mocap will be really helpfull in big projects like "Witches of the wilds". A detailed walking animation  for example can take a whole day when animating from hand. Now i just have to walk in front of a camera and edit the animation a bit in SFM. Thats maybe work of half an hour or so, if i do it right. Non or less a big step up in terms of quality and workflow speed.

btw. I will include a few mocap animations to "Quiet - a buddy with benefits" to give you some hints of what mocap is capable. And i will upload a few test recordings to my WIP Archive asap.

There is not much to say anymore than "Thank you". it sounds cliche, but you guys are the reason why this is possible. I couldnt done alot of things without your support. Thanks for your patience and your trust trough good and bad times. Quality is and always will be important to me, thanks for supporting this thought, and my work.





Ayyy that's exciting stuff, keep us updated on it!

Robert Arctor

For science! ;) Congrats, and have fun :)


Good =)