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Im happy to announce my own discord server.

First of all: You DONT need discord. It is completely optional. Everyone who dont like discord can relax and enjoy my patreon page as it is. You receive all news,releases etc. And of course, you can still send me messages, comment my posts like before. Nothing changes for you, discord is just a great addition.

Why discord?

Not only allows discord a better and much faster communication, it gives you the oppertunity to receive all important patreon features with a few clicks. 

As you can see in the image, you have acces to all of my upcoming patreon news,updates, all releases and acces to all my dropbox archives in one place. 

The server needs a few tweaks, wich will happen soon. But of course you can allready join right now if you want. 

Who has acces?

For now, the ranks "Member", "recognized Member", and "VIP Member" have acces to the server. Everything is written down in the reward list here on patreon. Connect Patreon with discord and you should get an invite right away. If  for some reason the patreon bot didnt send you an invite, message me here on patreon. 


Of course there are a few rules you need to follow.

Be nice, be respectfull, accept other opinions. Dont post anything with brutal violance. More rules may be added in the future if needed.

Mods and roles: 

In the next days, i would like to give you some roles and determine some Mods for the server. The reason should be obv. I cant be online all the time, so it would be nice if some of my most loyal members would like the idea of becoming a mod.

Again, this nothing you have to do, it ist just something you can dot if you want.

Thanks for joining. Hope you have fun with the server.

Comment this post or send ma message (here or on discord) if you have some questions.




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