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For all of you wondering, yes, WOTW was supposed to go live yesterday. Sry, but i will delay the release to wednesday/thursday. This will allow me to make a few quality enhancements, wich i think are needed. Some of you might be pissed of, and i can understand that, but i dont want to publish anything that I’m not convinced of. 

Hope not to delay again, cause there is nothing major to do,  there are just a few things wich are bothering me, and i feel that it would be better to work on it and take the delay.


Original post: WOTW delay 



i can only speak for myself, but i am not pissed at all. it happens very often that creators need to delay things, and thats more than understandable, we are here to support you and this includes to honor your hard work even if we need to wait. the only thing that would be sad, if you would cancel the project, THAT would piss the most off including me :p keep the work up and dont stress you, the best and creatve things are done with chill and muse. ;)


Thanks for your kind words. Like i said, there is nothing major to do, and i think that this few days more shouldnt hurt anyone. And never would i abort this project in his current state. I have put to much time and effort to it. And most important, i would abuse your trust. That is absolutly not my way, and it was and will never be an option.

Mr Funkay

I'm happy to wait thanks for the news :)


If anything it's probably a good idea, I would prefer a polished release over one you, yourself, are not satisfied with (quality-wise)