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First of all, i like to thank you all for your great support. Your effort is really amazing.  Because of you, im able to use software like "adobe after effects" and "sony vegas pro".  Those tools are  essential for my workflow and the quality of my content. 

Now i like to give you guys some news about some plans for future projects in 2018. 

"Short movies"

-I want to do the next step in terms of content. Instead of simple gifs, i like to focus myself more on "short movies" and of course my webseries "WOTW".  Short movies will give me more space in terms of creativity than a simple repetitive 2 second long gif. The duration of those shorts will have a duration of 30-40 seconds up to 2 min.  In terms of my workflow, i will work one half of a month on a short animation project, and the other half on future WOTW episodes. It was my general idea from the start. Now, finally i got more time to realise my ideas.

I have plans for  Tomb Raider, Resident evil ,final fantasy, dead or alive, Dragon Age,Metal gear,Star Wars,life is strange and Witcher stuff, just to name few. I will post some work in pogress footage very soon. 

That all doesnt mean, that i wont do gifs anymore at all. It just means that my focus and my priority changes. I want to evolve, take the next step and give you guys better and longer content. But a short gif here and there to promote new models are always possible.

The LorgeGucas "Calender"

Another idea is a erotic calender with your favourite girls doing some sexy poses.  And your voice is gold here.  Every month will inlcude a different girl based on your votes. In some cases, you will also have the chance to vote for things like outfits. More infos soon.

"Comissions" testphase incomming

I got alot of messages on tumblr about comissions. And i will do them at some point. But only if they doesnt hurt my workflow. I will only do gifs and pics/wallpapers. Just basic stuff. 

Thats it for now. I have more ideas for content, but nothing what is really worked out atm. I will talk about it at a later point.

What remains is my passion for what im doing. Im still very motivated and excited for the future. 2018 will be great :).




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