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  • Triss_yen_special_1_720p.mp4



Good news everyone, 

finally a full WOTW Trailer will be ready next monday, january  29th. The full first episode of WOTW is planned to be unleashed almost a month later on saturday, february 24th, via early acces. The public release is planned for march. Delays are possible.

Once again, thank you guys so much for your support!! It wouldtn be possible without you. Episode 1 will be just the beginning. 

Triss & Yen Winterspecial part 1: update

The first part of my winterspecial gif series has become an update, and is now available for all tier class patrons. Now on Dropbox, there is a non sound and a sound version available. More updates are planned.

1080p Animation Archive
4K animation Archive





A password is required for the 720p archive? Thanks :)


Hey, the links above, in the featured tag list, or in the startpost should lead you to the archive where i posted the password. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-stuff-16364396">https://www.patreon.com/posts/public-stuff-16364396</a>


i waited since mid 2016 that Studio F.O.W finish the work of the same topic. you are - i guess - alone and get to finish it your way. pretty awesome. i really like the thematic of witches and i adore the witcher girls aswell as the dragon age ones (morrigan was my first romance 2009 :P)


btw as i do really REALLY like morrigan, is there any possible way to give her slightly bigger boobs? that bothered me a bit in DA:I even if i liked her new deatiled face. thanks for repsonding and KEEP THE GOOD WORK UP! ;)


First of all, welcome !! And thank you very much for your comments =). In the case of Morrigan, i try to be accurate as possible to her origin version. Cause as many other people, i didnt understand either, why her boobs are gone in DAI. But i really want to keep them "origin" style, cause i think it fits her just perfect.


Yeah im alone right now. But this might change in the future. It depends on how succesfull the pilot episode will be. For example, in later episodes i would like to inlcude voice acting.


hi there! :D i so agree with your comment. the difference between origin and inquisition is a bit underwhelming (except her face) but i think, as you said, just slightly bigger but in a fitting and natural way.