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  • quiet_ff_2_edit.mp4
  • MorriganTriss_7_edit.mp4
  • MorriganTriss_15_edit.mp4
  • MorriganTriss_-17_edit.mp4
  • Morrigan_Test_6_-11_edit.mp4



I updated my WIP Archive as promissed. You will see alot new pics from both Webseries projects. I also included 3 WIP animations from my projects to this post. The animations are early staged, so dont expect any detailed movements but some akwardness for now;).

If you wondering why i upload my WIP´ s so randomly: Im in preproduction of 2-3 episodes of each webseries franchise [Dragon Age/Metal Gear]. The progress is of course slower, but it will pay of at the end. After I have finished my first episode, i would like to publish a new one every month. In that time i can work in the background on more episodes without a big delay.


Morrigan,Triss 15 edit - Create, Discover and Share Awesome GIFs on Gfycat

Watch Morrigan,Triss 15 edit GIF by lorgegucas on Gfycat. Discover more GIFS online on Gfycat



I uploaded now a few more pics to Dropbox. LG