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Hey everyone,

i have an idea and would like to get your opinion on this.

LorgeGucas shouldnt just be me, it really should be all about the community. Thats the reason i created the Patron Roulette. It is a great way to let you be a part of my work. 

Since many of you in the patron roulette have and probaly will chose Morrigan,  i thought to myself, if we got so much material, why do not we simply combine the patron roulette animations with my Dragon Age Series project? 

Let me explain that in detail.

I could take existing Patron Roulette animations, expand them, put more variations to them and mix them in to my Dragon Age Project. I would let you vote witch animation you want to have in wich episode. That means you get more influence and make sure that you get to see what you really want to see. And it would mean that your ideas would made it in my  project. And if you want, i would name you in the credits of the respective episode. 

Lets say you like a Patron Roulette animation and thinking", well, i really would like to see a longer version of it, then give me some feedback or just wait until i start my polls. I will ask you then wich Patron Roulette animation should be expanded.

But dont worry, of course i will still create completly new animations for my projects. This would just mean that i can work faster in general, because i dont have to create every single animation from scratch. 

Please let me hear your feedback. I really would like know what you think :).


btw. if you missed my post about my introduction to my big projects, please visit this link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dragon-age-metal-11295042




Sounds like a very good idea. I would like to see longer episodes :)


its really good idea,but if you can put other charcarters like josephine,leliana and cassandra in series ı can make your big statue on the back of an archdemon :D


:D Cassandra would be possibly. But i dont have good Leilana and Josephine models yet. I need to talk with some people and see what they can do for me. For some reason its hard to get high quality Dragon Age Inquisition Models.


thanks man ı appreciate it :D it is really hard to find quality stuff for dragon age these days except morrigan :D


Very good idea, you have my blessing :)