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  • Patron_Roulette_WIP_2_may.mp4
  • Patron_Roulette_WIP_2_angle_2_may.mp4
  • Patron_Roulette_WIP_2_angle_2_mayno_sound.mp4
  • Patron_Roulette_WIP_2_may_no_sound.mp4



The animation is almost finished. There are only a few details such as animate her hair,lips,cheeks and breasts correctly. I will also adjust the grass so that their is no visible clipping left. Maybe I change up the background and put more life to it. We´ll see.

And since im good in time and have some extra days left, i thought, why not experiment with some sounds? It is a little bit asynchron right now, but im working on it. Take it as a test run for my big Projects and please tell me your feedback :).



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