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Hey everyone, hope you all had a great weekend.

As you may know, I have been working on two major projects for months. A Dragon Age and a Metal Gear Project to be exact. The progress was unfortunately not as great as i wanted, because I'm on the road a lot. Most of my free time I have experimented and tried to increase the quality of my animations as much as possible. Quality is for me the most important thing. I would like and will publish my projects only when I am 100 percent satisfied. 

First the plan was  to produce two films, but since my free time is currently minimal, i came to the conviction that I would rather produce a series. The series would logically contain several episodes and do not always play in one and the same place.

The advantages for me are clear, an Episode of a few minutes is faster in process than a 20 minute film.   But there are also many advantages for you. You will see a lot of material over the next weeks and months. This also means that you give me a lot of feedback and have a lot influence on the individual episodes.

  • Now lets get to the details, and possible questions. 

How long will be an episode ? 

An episode of both series will have about a runtime of 2-3 minutes (maybe 4 minutes). They will not have a lot of story, but they will quickly get to the point.  

Will both series have sound?

Yes. Both series will have sound. How exactly can I not say right now. The actual plan looks to use samples. On some point i would like to hire Voice actors. But thats depending on how succesfull both series will be. And of course, it depends on how many People are willing to support me. 

 When are the first episodes released ?

This is still hard to say. Maybe july? I have a lot of raw material. I would like to pre-produce several epsido so I can then publish an episode of the respective Frachise every two months.  The episodes of both series come alternately. One month comes an episode Dragon Age, the month after Dragon Age comes Metal Gear. 

 Which names get the series?

I dont know yet. Maybe you have an idea?  If you have any suggestions, please write them as a comment :).

Do we get to see work in progress material? 

Of course. And from now on even every week. You get pictures and / or animations to be seen every week. Many of the animations or pics may not appear at all, or may be late in the final episodes. As a patron you get a lot to see what you would not see otherwise.

Which characters will appear in the series? 

In the Dragon Age series it will mainly be about Morrigan. But I would also like to add characters (like Triss Merigold) from the Witcher Universe. Both settings are easy to combine and have a lot of potential. 

In the Metal Gear series it will mainly be about Quiet. But here, too, I think about guest characters. But like i said, you have influence as patron. In the future, you can vote for which guest characters are to appear in both series. 

How much variety will the episodes have ?

Hard,soft, fast,slow. I would like to make sure that there are as many different positions as possible.  But write me your feedback and your ideas. 

Well....Thats a lot to read. But i hope that the most questions are answered. If you have anything you want say, please write a comment, PM me, what ever. You are important. You shouldnt see anything you dont want to see. So if you have ideas, feedback or questions, please feel free to write it down.

Have a nice day, thank you for supporting me and stay tuned.





great news :)