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WORKER CASTE, RISE UP! Babylon 5 actually remembers that the worker caste on Mimbar exists, and Neroon is a champ on the latest episode of the Jumpgate podcast <3!


Jumpgate #81 - Moments of Transition

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 4, Episode 14, Moments of Transition - Delenn faces what may be a no-win situation in trying to resolve the Minbari civil war, while Lyta tries desperately to keep her head above water only for Bester to show up to try and talk her into a deal she doesn't want.



Thanks for being here during my transition. getting trans healthcare thru the VA has been hell. But guess what??? My tits are coming in and no more pigeon chest for me I'm now thicc!! Thanks for the confidence

Patrick Greene

On my latest watch-through a few years ago now, I really noticed the way JMS paced his seasons. He very clearly has "shadow plot", then a few sort of filler episodes, then "earth plot". I remember seeing this pattern through out the series, lol. For my part, I really like the random cliff-hanger ending. To me it really captures the sense of "wft" when you first learn about an atrocity. I also think it really makes the title justify itself, especially in light of the pattern I noted above.

Patrick Greene

And yes, I'm watching these months late. I got in a pattern of putting it off so I'd have a buffer and not run out, and I overdid it, lol.