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It's time for an election cycle on the We are all Pawns podcast as on this episode of The Prisoner, Number 2 encourages Number 6 to run for office against... Number 2! Definitely a very apolitical show that isn't saying anything about elections, not at all!


We are all Pawns #4 - Free for All

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence in the Village wherein can be found "The Prisoner."  Episode 4, Free for All - It's election time in the Village and #2 proposes that #6 should run for office... the office of #2. Will #6 play along? Will he even have a choice?


Keith D. Jones

I noticed that Number Fifty-eight handed Number Six one of the frilly voting buttons with the number two on it rather than Number Two's actual badge, so maybe he wasn't made Number Two in any practical sense. It was all part of the long con to see if making him think he was now Number Two would make him any more complaint and ready to join Team Village. I also noticed that Number Fifty-eight put on a frilly number two voting badge not the official Number Two badge. So maybe she was never Number Two either. She was always Number Fifty-eight. Hey, look at me, managing a whole post without accidentally dropping spoilers. I'm downright proud of myself.


I love your intro, definitely lifts the mood! That goes for your epic co-host as well!