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Everyone's favorite PsyCop Bester is back! Always gotta love to hate 'em. With the Shadow War over, the fascist Earth government turns its eye towards Babylon 5.


Jumpgate #74 - Epiphanies

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 4, Episode 7, Epiphanies - With the Shadow War seemingly over, the crew of Babylon 5 try to assess where the pieces are landing and how best to move forward.


Becky Sparks

I actually kinda liked that Zack awkwardly tried to flirt with Lyta. It wasn't well received, and IIRC Zack dropped it almost immediately.

S G Matthews

I think the creepiness of Zack’s delivery may have been an issue with the performer, frankly… Jeff Conaway was a person that had some well-documented demons aaaannnddd… I think that sometimes came out when it wasn’t supposed to.