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Robert Cooper

You'd think if they're going to lift a DS9 A story, the B story wouldn't be about extra dimensional aliens "of" some place in a wormhole by that place.


My heart 😭

Eric Willey

Loved the episode, and the scene when he first woke up made me realize how badly I want them to do a "Spock's Brain" homage.


Loved the episode and the levels Ethan Peck had to play. Also, Chapel finally being a character defined on her own terms, not just by who she's in love with (a problem with all female characters in TOS). But this is where I wish they would just say the show is an alternate reality instead of the producers insisting all prequels are canon. Because, no matter how far they go with this or how good it gets, I have the dread feeling that it's going to end like some of the great Star Trek novels, where, no matter what great things are done with the characters, the writer has to spend the last chapter undoing everything she did and putting the characters and situation right back to where it was before the story started.


This is such a fun episode, but I can’t help feeling it’s not even reality or something. Did anyone notice how Pike got trapped by the doors in the transporter room when Amanda came on board and Spock was wigging out? In the background, the doors are open until Pike walks towards them, and then they close on him, while he just waves his arms around a bit. Why? Is it all an experiment by the wormhole aliens? The ship? I don’t know, but it seemed pretty weird.

Wellington Marcus

hmmm, I've thought about this... a lot. Chapel is so quiet in TOS, is demure the right word? And how does she become like that when SNW Chapel is so outgoing and loud? aaaaaannd then I look at myself, I was loud, lively, entertaining and an extrovert when I was younger; now I'm quiet and very soft. omg, am I nurse Chapel? I mean, i am a nurse irl anyway, my point being that the writers do not have to "undo" anything, people change.