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I've seen season 3o f Star Trek Picard... and it's great!


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Omg, so exciting! No spoilers please! I want to watch this clip to hear about your experience…. But I am also super looking forward to watching this after such an excellent second season!


Good, I had high hopes for S3 :-)

Linda Roberts

Love the Nurse Chapel uniform you are wearing!


This makes me really happy. Can’t wait! 🥳


Great, I'm really looking forward to this now.


I'm a bit relieved tbh! So excited for the DS9 stuff!

Wellington Marcus

great? really... hmmm, we shall see. I don't like spoilers so I'm not watching untill it drops.

Noah Stackhouse

I would fall on my sword to defend season 1 of Picard, season 2 not so much. Super excited to see this after JG'S review, and here in the great white north we get to see it four days earlier!

user no. g_{64}

Oh Jessie, you managed the almost impossible to actually get me pumped for Picard Season3! I was so disappointed in Season 2 that I was basically done with the show. I knew I'd still watch it, for completeness, but I was dreading it. After your video, I'm not just looking forward to it, but positively giddy with excitement! "If you're a DS9 fan... prepare yourself!" you said? Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... I can't wait! I know from experience that I can trust your opinions to closely match mine, so your video really made my day.


So happy to see you so excited. I cant wait to watch the season

Soi Born

I refuse to be hyped even though Jessie is great and all lol. We'll see when the show comes out...


I was extremely trepidatious for this season, until your video, and the Trek Culture premiere video... and now I'm sulking because my job is going to prevent me sitting down to watch episode 1 until the 19th. Poor fragile Sean though... please tell me you and Trek Boy got him some aftersun!