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The Babylon 5 crew deal with a deadly pandemic on the latest Jumpgate podcast... dang; isn't it so cool to watch a totally scifi concept that is so out there and not about anything real.... *cries*


Jumpgate #41 - Confessions and Lamentations

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 2, Episode 18, Confessions and Lamentations - A disease outbreak among the population of one of the alien races on the Babylon 5 station creates a panicked situation that threatens to boil over before it can be treated or contained.


Sara Ezzat

You two are so funny with your reaction to the romance. I actually love Sheridan and Delenn, though they are at their best when they are working together rather than awkwardly trying to date. I think some of the awkwardness in the writing is more about the pacing. Like I actually like the dinner scene, as someone from a mixed culture family sometimes our cultural stuff combines weirdly or we see the absurdity in it through another's eyes. But with B5 the scenes through Sheriidan's eyes are too spread out from when we see the oddness of humanity through Delenn's eyes. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for two awkward dork kind of ships.

Keith D. Jones

The things I remember reading off the Babylon5 usenet group back in the day. First, Straczynski pointed out that the Markab Ambassador was the guy way back at the beginning of the season talking about an ancient enemy in the invisible monster episode, and then he said it was quite a coincidence that the Markab were wiped out just as the Shadows started to ramp up their galactic influence. It was almost as if some group wanted them out of the way and used biowarfare to do so. ***SPOILERS*** Second, Straczynski pointed out that Delenn's little-girl-lost story was really super important. While he didn't explicitly say this, it was very heavily implied the figure who comforted little Delenn was a Vorlon. Since Delenn is--if memory serves--more than 100 years old at the time of the show, the Vorlon's started grooming her to be "the chosen one" from a very young age long before things started to heat up