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An exploration of the growing Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and why it's continued to get more and more violent. 


The Continually Escalating Anti-LGBT Rhetoric of Media

An exploration of the growing Anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and why it's continued to get more and more violent. ✔ SUPPORT ✔ ▶Patreon - patreon.com/jessiegender​ ▶PayPal - paypal.me/jessiegender​​ ✔ OTHER PLATFORMS ✔ ▶Main Channel - youtube.com/lostrekkie ▶Nebula - nebula.app/jessiegender ▶After Dark Channel - youtube.com/channel/UCEpOFHzI2sToo7X1J6ON90g ▶Twitch - twitch.tv/jessiegender​​ ✔ SOCIAL MEDIA ✔ ▶Twitter - twitter.com/jessiegender​​ ▶Instagram - instagram.com/jessiegender/​​ ▶Facebook - www.facebook.com/jessie.gende...​ ✔ PODCAST ✔ ▶Babylon 5 Rewatch podcast w/Council of Geeks - councilofgeeks.libsyn.com/​​ ✔ SHOP ✔ ▶Book that I Helped Write - https://bit.ly/39EqtP4​​ ✔ CONTACT ✔ ▶E-mail - jearl1892@gmail.com ▶Mail - Jessie Earl PO BOX 85787 Seattle, WA 98145


Jack McAllan

Ohhh boy. Looking forward to diving into this! I don't know how you do any of this tbh. Everything going on makes me too angry to sound rational enough to talk about this stuff on camera, never mind outside of talking with my girlfriend! Maybe this is a crazy idea, but lately I've been wondering about the idea of mobilizing LGBTQIA+ folks and alies and taking the scripts that right wing trash use to label us groomers and just change trans to republican and post. I mean it's not without merit, one of their own that was peddling this groomer crap this year, and thankfully lost, apparently turned out to be an actual groomer (Patricia Kent). Can be YouTube videos, or tweets, or Instagram posts, whatever. When you mentioned before that you wish on them what they wish on us, I'm wondering if examples like that would finally show exactly what they're actually saying, and the danger of saying it when it involves a much larger amount of people and have THEM understand what is like to be called a groomer for daring to exist. I dunno. I just feel like they're literally only getting away with this blatently obvious, dangerous rhetoric because we're such a minority, but if we use the same scripts, and actual evidence - e.g. I'm thinking there's plenty evidence just using Matt Walsh's own words to absolutely label him as a groomer with merit - and label Republicans as the groomers instead, maybe these irresponsible platforms would FINALLY act on the gross and dangerous misuse of the word. The fact that YouTube is full of scum calling us groomers without any action taken is gross. YouTube absolutely have blood on their hands. Just how many of us have to die before these platforms give a crap? 😔


Thank you Jessie for this video, it was incredibly cathartic. I felt such a range of emotions as I have been emotionally struggling with the heartbreaking tragedy at Club Q. By the end of the video I cried and felt the hurt and the pain I haven't been able to articulate but more importantly I felt more hope than I have in recent weeks. Your call to action is important, we as people are beautiful, our differences are beautiful, our connections make us stronger and we all need to stand together. I'll leave it at that but I wanted to let you know how impactful this was, you make such an incredible difference toward making a better world... thank you Jessie.

Aud Pod

These self-declared "crusaders" are so tightly wound up in their projected hate that I wonder if they know genuine love towards any community that's not their own. Another amazing video.


Yeah I've actually been wondering if I should start parodying them by doing that but it would involve me having to actively engage with their content so I could then parrot their script right back at them. I don't know that I have the fortitude to do that, especially with how hateful their rhetoric is.


This video was a real gut punch, thank you for doing this Jessie. I'm not sure I can even imagine how difficult it must have been.


I have definitely always tended toward numbing myself to pain, mine, my family’s, and especially that of people I don’t know personally. I’m not sure how capable I am of changing this, at least not quickly…but I can at least make sure to know that the pain exists and that we need to protect each other. You’ve really convicted me that I need to find some way to speak up for our community…I just need to figure out how. Thank you for always being so open and honest, Jessie, and for so articulately discussing and bringing attention to these attacks against our community and humanity. It’s very eye-opening for me, especially as I’ve never engaged with queer community as a whole, only my tiny corner with the queer friends and family I’m out too and to whom I care deeply for.


"First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me." Martin Niemöller --- 'Never again' still means something to me. The trangender genocide is very real and no doubt a stain on our society. But 'never again.' So, we will, by all legal and peaceful means possible, exhaustively demand justice until it is served. Do not underestimate us. We will never stop fighting for our rights, even if it means our lives. To put it in more modern words: "If they hurt you They hurt me too So we'll rise up Won't stop" t.A.T.u.


This video is so amazing - thank you so much for that, it must have been so hard to make.


Two things occurred to me while watching the video: 1. How terrifying it would be to be Matt Walsh’s son compared to being Mr. Roger’s son. 2. I wonder how Matt would answer the following: Matt, what would you do if your 5 year old son said I am a girl? What would you do if your 7 year old son still said I'm a girl? What would you do if your 9 year old son still said I'm a girl and the 2 therapists you took him to agreed that your son has a female brain and emotions? What would you do if your 15 year old son still said I'm a girl? What would you do if 1 year later your son tried to commit suicide? Matt, I am interested in your answers because thousands of parents have faced or are facing this same situation?

Emily Myers Corrigan

I don't think that there's any answers he would give to those questions that wouldn't be really traumatizing to hear.

Leila Gomes

This video was heartbreaking but necessary. Thank you for helping me remember to focus on the most important things <3


Man, this is going to be hard to listen to, but i want to. it's been horrifying. also prying open that third eye and making me realize that yes, grave robber is definitely queer.


Mwalsh bases his ideology on his interpretation of Catholosism. That is to say his ingenuous answers to the public in this scenario are. "Confess and repent son" and if the child refuses to do so then they are excommunicated from the Body of Christ (that is the Church) and he'll pray for them. While punishing them for bing an unpepentant sinner until such a time as they turn 18. Should the person attempt self harm, he would go straight from the playbook and mourn for the loss of his child's immortal soul. *Publically* because that's the image he wants to project. It's the veneer of "Jesus' Love" covering Patriarchy and hatred. If you expect any different from Mwalsh, or any of the other varieties of White-Male-Christian Supremacists out there blurting out fascist dialogue, I'm sorry to say you won't get it. They will *never* reveal their true inner feelings in an open way. They'll never humanize those they marginalize, nor will they relate the harm they are propagating to their own lives. They will burn their closest family at the stake just to display their commitment to their own power structure if it comes to that.


It is so sad…And, I’m a Christian. In fact I wrote an eBook titled, “He’s Here My Story” which is about my experiences with God. There is a lot about my experiences on Joan of Arc pilgrimages in France.


Jessie thank you for all of your work. I do not envy you the time spent watching all of the hateful rhetoric you had to watch to include the clips in this video. Your work is important and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Give yourself space and time to recover from it!

Hontas Farmer

It looked like your cat knew you needed a hug at 1:12 minutes. It would help the community so much if all of us transpeople could rally around the need to oppose the existential threat posed by the Groomer narrative. Having batted around some tweets or chats with those that are more to the right here's what I've learned. The Blaire White/ Buck Angel type feel like their right wingness is more important than their transness. IDK I feel like on politics in general we need a big tent that has one pole we all must agree on. We have a right to exist. We have a right to exist and have jobs and homes and walk down the street or go to the zoo. Under that big trans tent there has to be room for every economic, religious or other identity in so far as it does not call for our destruction.

Hontas Farmer

One more thing. I feel like I should try to download this because, like your last video regarding Walsh et al somehow YT will flag it as "sexual" or something. I swear a decent looking transwoman could stare at a camera and that would happen.


Jessie I love you’re content but I just can’t watch this rn. Much love Captain!


totally in awe of what you've achieved in this ... one quick thing in case you are reading the list of deaths again Milton Keynes is pronounced ⁠KEENZ.


I am leaving this comment here, because I fear on YouTube it could be flagged as another reason to demonetize you. And I do not want to be the cause for that. I could not watch the video in full because hearing the voices of the fox news pundits, hearing the voice of Tucker Carlson, in his permanently mockling bemusement, is just too much. I have developed a triggering that their voices, just like the voice of Bolsonaro or Trump, flares my depression. Hate here in Brazil is still on the rise, people are feeling liberated to give Nazi Salutes in the streets. The Trans Murder monitoring still ranks Brazil in a steady position of #1 on the most dangerous country for trans women in the world, leading with a steady 96 lives lost over the last year. It enrages me and makes me want to scream... if I was afraid that just writing on YouTube that I am triggered by those voices of pundits and hate mongers would give them another reason to hit you. I'm sorry I had to write this... I'm glad I can still show support. But I hope you understand why I could not watch the video to the end.


I had to wait until I was emotionally up to watching this, and now I am just raw. I can't even imagine what it took to make this. Again, I can't believe the courage and love and honesty that you imbue every one of your videos with. Your rallying cry at the end was one of the most moving things I have seen recently, and I just don't even have words. Know that there are those of us who do care, and are scared with you and angry with you.