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The Orville comes back with a quality episode as New Horizons continues with "Gently Falling Rain".


The Orville New Horizons "Gently Falling Rain" Episode 4 Review

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Andrew Michael

I found the first three episodes really, really boring... but this one has pretty much redeemed the season for me. It just felt different, somehow. I was going to give up on the season after last week, but this one has drawn me back in and them some.


Interesting that you saw parallels to 2020 in this episode. I saw none--only 2016. I thought the episode clearly presented Teleya as winning the election barely but fairly just as Trump won the electoral college barely but fairly (though here of course there is a huge disanalogy with 2016 as Hillary's popular vote victory was huge both in raw numbers & as a percentage of total votes cast (there are ten men who became president with a smaller popular vote margin of victory than Hillary). The fact that Teleya had the old supreme chancellor killed immediately rather wait for formal certification of victory & that she was aided by certain members the old chancellor's government reminds me of how Trump before the election in 2016 refused to accept the legitimacy of a possible Hillary victory & borderline promised violence if he lost. So too, Trump's eventual victory in the electoral college was facilitated by certain reactionary members of the federal government e.g. James Comey's letter & the FBI office in New York state. No actual violence occurred in 2016 so what the Orville is doing is only an analogy, but it worked quite well for me. After the magnificent first episode, this is my second favorite of the four that have aired so far.


Also I hope your recover continues to go well!

Jessie Earl

Agreed, def more parallels to 2016, though I did some to 2020 that I thought were interesting, but could all b e 2016