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Londo gets drunk off his butt and G'Kar faces an assassination attempt. It's a fun time on the latest Babylon 5 episode as we continue on the Jumpgate podcast!


Council of Geeks: Jumpgate #6 - Parliment of Dreams

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 1, Episode 5, Parliment of Dreams - A celebration of religious practices from the various cultures on board Babylon 5 brings people together but also causes tension.



Another fun one! I liked the dynamic between Sinclair & Catherine, I thought it was interesting & like Vera said, different to the usual bland "romance". I was surprised at how some of their interactions were genuinely romantic. I rarely find that in sci-fi tbh. One note about the human religion ceremony at the end - some of the groups they named were actually races, not religions. The two I caught were Maori and "Aborigine". Might speak to the lack of diversity in the writers room.

Becky Sparks

Mild spoiler, but your discussion the things that the episode got right about Sinclair and Catherine's relationship reminded me of all the reasons I never could stand Garibaldi always bringing up Lise, and every storyline that involved that whole mess. Oh, and Ulysses is one of Tennyson's more well-known poems. That bit makes me think of Mass Effect now, too, because that was the poem Ashley recited a portion of in Mass Effect 1, and she mentioned it was her dad's favorite.