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So, Tennessee just passed a brand new type of horrifying anti-transgender law, and we need to talk about it.


Let's Talk Tennessee's New Horrifying Anti-Transgender Law

So, Tennessee just passed a brand new type of horrifying anti-transgender law, and we need to talk about it. ✔ SUPPORT ✔ ▶Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jessiegender​ ▶PayPal: https://paypal.me/jessiegender​​ ✔ OTHER PLATFORMS ✔ ▶Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/lostrekkie ▶After Dark Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEpOFHzI2sToo7X1J6ON90g ▶Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jessiegender​​ ✔ SOCIAL MEDIA ✔ ▶Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiegender/​​ ▶Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessiegender​​ ▶Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessie.gende...​ ✔ SHOP ✔ ▶Book that I Helped Write: https://bit.ly/39EqtP4​​ ✔ OTHER PROJECTS ✔ ▶What the Frell podcast w/Council of Geeks: https://councilofgeeks.libsyn.com/​​ ✔ CONTACT ✔ ▶E-mail: jearl1892@gmail.com ▶Mail: Jessie Earl PO BOX 85787 Seattle, WA 98145



They avoided overt discrimination by forcing signing on trans-positive business. If the signing was reversed, even its supporters would have a hard arguing arguing it wasn’t discriminatory. Uggh still furious 2hrs after watching

Mountain Harpie

Wow. I'm just... fuckin sick of this bathroom thing somehow pretending a plausible logical thing that "The Transes" pose a threat in the bathroom..... I really am questioning if "The Cises" have any idea HOW different the cultural norms and rules, and physical structure for that matter, are between men and women's bathrooms. I think men must think that their experience is universal, right next to each other to pee, with rules of when it's OK to side glance at your neighbor's junk, and stalls are just for takin a shit. Not that I've spent much time in men's rooms, but I have asked dudes about it before, and from what I've heard and read, I can at least say that using a women's bathroom is a very different experience all around. I'm sure plenty of women could be scared by a bogeyman story, and may not ever really know what goes on in a men's room... You are right that it is being politicized weaponized against those needing the most protection ..... arrrrrrr! The levels of obfuscation some people will go to... Thank you for keeping me up to date on this!! I'm gonna go hollaback at Tennessee 🖖🏼👊🏻🤟🏻🎶❤🐈‍⬛

Hannah F.

At first I thought this was about that bill putting schools at risk of litigation over cis people's "distress" when being forced to suffer the presence of trans people in bathrooms and locker rooms. Then I realised this is the _second_ Tennessee bathroom bill in a span of less than a week. Holy heck. Remembering the point I raised re: the Handmaid's Tale video, I really try to remind myself these people are indeed people. And I fail. I literally cannot fathom the sheer cynicism, cruelty and lack of empathy. Because those politicians don't really care; they just use the current trans panic for political capital. And that is so evil and ghoulish I just can't. "Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy." - Gustave M. Gilbert

Jessie Earl

Yeah, its hard for me too. And I should say, while we can remember that the people who hurt minorities are people too, I have less and less empathy for the less marginalized. So those in power passing these laws, I have almost zero empathy, or more accurately, I waste zero empathy on them (because empathy is a finite resource within each of us). But those who may be tricked into believe this stuff but are marganized themselves, I do have some level of empathy for them, even if I know we need ot fight back.


I'm not transgender and I'm well aware that being trans is a unique struggle that other groups, even among the LGBTQ+ community can't entirely understand. I'm a bisexual woman who grew up in the 80's and 90's and watched, marched and stood as best I could to support equal rights for all. As someone who is bisexual I could "pass" as straight if I wanted to and there were people in my life who advised me to do just that. They meant well but they couldn't understand exactly what kind of betrayal that would have been to myself, or to the others in my community. I made a choice pretty early on to embrace my own sexuality, not only in the sense of dating who I wished without hiding but in talking about it - in refusing, at least in public, to let myself be shamed by it. I've seen what even the little things in these cyclical culture wars do to people. Not everyone has the ability or conditions in which they can stand up and force the world to give them recognition. When it comes to bills like these they aren't really new or inventive, just reskinned for a new boogey man. They are horrific. It's important with things like this that not one inch of ground is cede, because if they win that they'll go for the throat. As awful as this is going to sound, and please excuse me, as much as this hurts all of us as groups and as individuals, for the people we are standing against it isn't actually about us. It's about gaining control of the world vie their worldview. It's about convincing people that they hold the moral high ground, that they are the absolute authority on what is right and wrong. I firmly believe we will win this fight as we have won all the ones before this. I say we because even though I am not trans, I stand with the trans community shoulder to shoulder. The road is long, hard and there will be setbacks but the future is ours. We just have to cover the steps in between. <3


I found this https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB1182&ga=112 -- but I don't see the full text of the bill.