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Hey patrons! So, it's not live yet but part of me going full time on YouTube is that I'm starting a brand new channel. I'm annoucing it on Monday and releasing two brand new videos that day too, but I wanted to share the new channel with all of you before I share it with the world in case you all want to subscribe. I'll share more about what this channel is specifically on Monday, but basically this second channel is going to be where all my reviews of non-Star Trek content, vlogs, trailer reactions, and just plain nerdy stuff is going to reside, while the main channel is going to become more focused on more long form analysis of political and social issues in geek topics. Both channels are gonna remain nerdy but the biggest difference will be MAIN CHANNEL - scripted and prepared analysis, AFTER DARK - off the cuff dorkiness. The link is above if y'all want to be the first subscribers and get the two new videos out Monday!


Jessie Gender After Dark

After Dark is my channel where I just geek out about the all the nerdy things that I love, while still trying to create a space that tries to be welcoming to everyone but especially those from marginalized communities that sometimes get overlooked in fandoms. Here is where I'm going to do trailer reactions, tv and movie and episode reviews, lists and rankings like of Star Trek captains by sexinessness, book reviews, fandom speculation, news breakdowns, and even more.



“ in case you all want to subscribe” - Jessie you’re the cutest thing ever 🥰


Just subscribed


Exciting news! 😁


Does the name also imply that you'll be talking about NSFW topics?

Jessie Earl

Haha not directly but not against it. But I'll probubly touch on NSFW topics even on my main channel

Hannah F.

...aaand subscribed.


Had to cut and paste the URL out of the email because all I'm getting is a graphic link above, but I'm subscribed!


After Dark? More like after *dork*... ah shucks. We're all gonna be Dorks After Dark now.


This is so exciting! Just subscribed. 💖💖💖


Yay we are after dark twins now!


I’m very excited about this- it’s a fantastic idea. You just rock so hard.