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Phlox and Archer confront the Prime Director for the first time in the Star Trek timeline... and results are very very mixed. But let's talk about on The Long Road podcast, your Star Trek: Enterprise rewatch series!



Wellington Marcus

what is it with Newt? does he sense your excitement and love of the show and then he's all "Jessie so happy, me be happy with her"?

Wellington Marcus

I missed the synch this time, was 2 seconds behind, very grateful for the singing. Say, what does newt do while you sing? anything different? about cultural contamination: my thinking is similar to Star Fleet's. On the whole it is better to not interfere if we do not know that our interference won't be harmful. That is, trust evolution unless there is a plague killing people, then obviously throw out the Prime Directive. Oh, and I do think that the first word used should be 'contamination', that is because we must first do no harm. And the word contamination keeps the crew in the careful mindset. Much better to not interfere than to accidentally break something. now to unpause in the same way I paused.

Wellington Marcus

and yes having tech does not make you superior neither does intelligence, your morality is how we should judge. and friends with benefits is great, so is being poly. Here's what I think about giving people warp drive (deep breath) there is no way of knowing what the consequences will be, supporting the dominant people could lead to further harm to the Menk, the space-farers may alert a hostile species who will come and enslave the planet. having said that SF could send some observes who could take the tech back if things go bad... I dunno this is difficult.

Wellington Marcus

Archer "oh gods, I 'get' the Vulcan's now. does that mean I'm growing up?" yeah, Dr Phlox's determinism/ Darwinism is disturbing, the only fault I can find with him. evolution is great, but not the BEST, and divine purpose is also bad. Science and ethics should be our guiding principle. why could'nt Archer have written the Prime Directive and submited it to SF? he could have even written provisions, here's where we can help and when not to. having said all that, what we get with this episode is; we get to see all of SF in it's... problematic development, which explains groups like 31 and the problems we have with SF and how they dealt with the Romulons. oh my god, i've written so much. i had fun, thank-you Jessie.

Jessie Earl

Haha, I think he hears me talking, and since we spend so much time in silence since it's just the two of us, me talking to someone must seem nice to him and he wants to be near it. But that doesn't explain why he doesn't come in during other podcast recordings...

Jessie Earl

Agreed on so much of this. TBH Newt actually scratches at me in a caring way, I think he interprets the singing as a kind of me calling out in pain or something haha. And agreed on everything with evolution there!


Yeah that's P R O B L E M A T I C. AF