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Hey patrons! I'm mulling over a few different ideas for our Patron exclusive event this month. I've added a poll of a few of the top ones I've come up with below, and I'd love to hear which you'd be interested in. Feel free to comment or vote for more then one!



Gushing down the Synder Cut drunkily :D


Drunk watch along yes please


Syn-der Cut! Syn-der Cut! It's the only way I would ever watch that trash. Through someone else's boozy eyes. EDIT: And you HAVE to call it that during the video. >D


Obvy, everyone wants to drunk/high watch the jl snyder cut, if only to point & laugh at it. personally, i can't stand snyder, and think him the facist leni riefenstahl of superhero films.


yeah, kinda like certain trainwrecks or 15-car pile-ups on the interstate are "fascinating." his whole oeuvre just irks me, and also who funds him and who he associates with. mccluhan & "the medium IS the message," and all that. i don't want to drag this into nasty politics, but let's just say he & steve mnuchin are too palsy-walsy for my taste.