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Our journey on The Long Road of the Star Trek Enterprise rewatch continues with perhaps one of the most problmatic and offensive episodes of the entire franchise, Unexpected. Let's make fun of it! Though warning, there is discussion of sexual assault in this episode of the show and podcast. 



Wellington Marcus

I really liked this episode, minus the non-consensual pregnancy (yeet), they could have chosen a much better b-plot - like residual confusion/disorientation. Another issue is perhaps a bit xenophobic, the issue of the aliens not caring about their future baby. To the translator issue, I'm thinking that the various complexities of languages explains why sometimes the translator works quickly. I really like the lower stakes because it is refreshing.

Wellington Marcus

oh, "The Child" is way cringier than "UnExpected" just because the impregnation was more graphic

Jessie Earl

Indeed, much agreed, though I really dislike Archer's laughing at Trip's situation...


Jessie, I just finished listening to the Higher Frontier audiobook and it deals with consent a lot. Also, Kirk admits to having had at least one threesome before. And there is a really fun meta scene with Uhura, Sulu, and Chekov. It's an interesting book, I hope you check it out.