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Balance of Terror is considered to be one of the best episodes of Star  Trek ever made. While also introducing the Romulans to the Star Trek  universe, it also is one of the best discussions of race and  racialization through the character of Spock. So let's talk about the  Star Trek: The Original Series episodes "Balance of Terror" through the  theme of kinship.


How Star Trek Examined Racism With Spock | SACRED TREKS

Balance of Terror is considered to be one of the best episodes of Star Trek ever made. While also introducing the Romulans to the Star Trek universe, it also is one of the best discussions of race and racialization through the character of Spock. So let's talk about the Star Trek: The Original Series episodes "Balance of Terror" through the theme of kinship. ✔ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jessiegender ✔ PayPal: https://paypal.me/jessiegender ✔ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/jessiegender ✔ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessiegender/ ✔ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jessiegender ✔ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessie.gender1/



Yup. We just published the pilot episode of a Star Trek fan series and the majority of the clips we used came from "Balance of Terror". One of the best shots is Spock biting his lip...


I'd like to share a personal anecdote, that supports your thesis. One of my college roommates was an African American man. He was very involved in our school's Black Student Union. We would occasionally get to talking about serious issues. One time, he was telling me that the Black Student Union's membership consisted of, about equally, the descendants of slaves, and first generation African immigrants. I inquired about that kinship, because it seemed to me that the two groups wouldn't really have all that much in common. He said that the two groups have quite a lot in common, in that they are treated the same by society, at large. That was eye-opening, and has stuck with me, these many years later.


All my life has been and continues to be my being viewed as suspect, guilt until proven innocent. As bad as the overt violence is, the soul killing part is the fertile soil of Polite White Supremacy, the roots we never address, but make certain the obvious discrimination grows back like weeds, over and over again.