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Hey everyone. A few weeks ago in my monthly update video, I mentioned I want to start doing more patron exclusive content, to thank you for all your support, and also help foster our lovely little community. So, I think I've settled on something I would want to do, that would be enjoyable to do, but not break my back in terms of adding too much onto my already loaded plate. So first, this month, I'm going share a deleted sequence from my upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness retrospective that only you all get to see! 

But what I really want your advice on is, would you be interested in an patron-only podcast where I do (potentially drunk) Star Trek Enterprise commentary tracks. Basically, I'd do biweekly rewatches of Enterprise to share why I love this ugly duckling of the Trek franchise, and do so in a way that gives that joy for the show to all of you. I could also bring guests on, and even more!

Let me know what you all think in the poll below. Also, let me know in the comments if any of you would prefer me to do it drunk or do it sober. I'm not 100% committed to doing it yet, so don't get too excited, but I want to gauge interest from this beautiful community that I want to help foster.  


Hannah F.

Drunk Enterprise commentary sounds like a form of escapism that is sorely needed. Podcast feed, possibly?


I have not sat down and watched enterprise in a long time so this would be great. I try to remain hands off as much as possible and just be supportive but I too would prefer a not drunk version. I am not saying NO drinking but to me "Drunk" people are not fun to listen to. a drink or 2 to get loose and have fun but no thank you to drunk. I hope this doesn't come off too harsh.

Sarah Case

I was about to say "drunk" but after seeing all the other comments on here I remembered that I'm not much of a drinker, so my idea of "drunk" is probably many other people's "tipsy," like what Mouse Pounder said about having a drink or two to loosen up. So I vote for tipsy, but fwiw I'd listen to it if it was done sober too :)




Lol, I haven’t seen/heard you drunk, so don’t actually know! But in *general*, I don’t enjoy (most) drunk people, so I’d vote sober to buzzed, shy of tipsy. 😛 Awesome and fun idea, even if it’s only occasional (vs a hard schedule that makes it “work”)!!


Drunk could be fun if you're up to it. Hopefully you'll have another knowledgeable Trek fan (a mix of ENT fans and critics) to drink with. Drunk alone can be hard to follow sometimes.


to be honest, listening to you doing a commentary is the likely only way to get me to re-watch any Star Trek Enterprise episodes other than the Mirror Universe two parter.


Definitely up for it! I started watching Enterprise again earlier this week, so some commentary will be much appreciated.


When Enterprise first aired, I could not get into it, especially Bakula as a ST captain. But NOW, 20 years later, with the help of some watchalong friends, I'm liking it! Archer is warming my heart. The series hits the ground running! Definitely go for it. The series is underrated and worth the time to explore.


This would be great!


I love Enterprise. It didn't get the chance it deserved. And drunk Jessie sounds fun for sure. Bring on the Andorian ale!


Enterprise. Came for the Trek, stayed for the soft porn. Seriously, though, I'm rewatching it now (starting season 4) and IMO it is highly underrated. I dare say I may enjoy it more than TNG (and VOY, of course). Can we compromise on "buzzed"? Enough to lower the urge to self-edit. ETA: 1. Shran. 'nuff said. 2. Porthos is a good boy. Yes he is. 3. Somebody stop the bad man singing.