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Hello Patrons,

Wow, there are quite a few new people on here compared to last month. I'm so excited to have all of you onboard and I want to thank each and every one of you for helping to support me both financially and as a community. As I've stated in a couple videos last month, I just moved to a new apartment with a new roommate just a couple days ago, and also have a major surgery coming up in March, so I can't tell you how much your support here DIRECTLY impacts me in a really meaningful way when it comes to finances. Beyond just the financial, it's honestly heartening and validating to know that the work I've been doing speaks to all of you enough that you want to support me doing more. As a creator who deals with anxiety often, that also truly means so much to me.

Just to give a few updates, as I've stated, I just moved into a new apartment so a lot of my energy has been and will be going into getting everything set up and getting furniture and things like that over the next week or two. As a result, there's going to just be a minor slowdown in content the next couple weeks, with just my reviews of Doctor Who and Star Trek Picard going up, along with my friday main videos that I already shot in advance. But once I finally get all settled in and cozy, I'm hoping to have a standing set in my new place, meaning that it will 100000X easier for me to just sit down and shoot a video discussion, so I'm excited for that development and I hope you are to! 

Otherwise, things are going full steam ahead. I have some cool videos I think ready for this month and some cool ones I'm hoping for next month as well. I think I'm really finding my voice as a creator and I'm excited to share some of the projects I have coming up (just a teaser, I think my upcoming Half-Life 2 video will be one of my best). So thank you all for being onboard! 

Don't forget to all of you new folks to join the Discord server. There should be a way to access it though Patreon, but I'll be posting a link to join it in the next day or so, so be on the lookout, and I'm excited to talk to you over there! Hope your 2020 is still going strong and I hope you, as always, live long and prosper!


L Tantivy

I don't believe the automatic invite discord integration is currently turned on for your account.