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Its time for the lower decks of Babylon 5 to get a chance to shine! The working class gets the focus as we review A View From the Gallery on the Jumpgate podcast.


Jumpgate #95 - A View from the Gallery

Episode Description Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 5, Episode 4, A View from the Gallery - The station is under assault, but this time we get a look at things through the eyes of a couple of maintenance men.


Keith D. Jones

Watching these episodes for the first time since they originally aired, Byron is giving off serious Manson cult leader vibes. The way he treated Lyta was just awful, and he clearly hasn't heard of a little thing called consent with the whole invade the mind of a pilot thing. He didn't even get proper informed consent from Bo. As for the whole sex cult thing, just wait a couple more episodes. Oh and JMS said on Usenet at the time that Mack is based on Harlan Ellison

Max Brannan

Getting caught up... I know Vera is a fan of "Cast A Deadly Spell". The actor who played Mack was Raymond O'Connor who also played that nasty little peice of work Tugwell in "Cast a Deadly Spell".