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Babylon 5 gets a tramp stamp as we head into the final season of this fantastic show, starting off with a telepath season that is... less than fantastic. Everybody get ready for BYRON... sigh. At least G'Kar is still wonderful.


Jumpgate #92 - No Compromises

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. No Compromises - The new alliance formalizes its structure and principles while a newcomer arrives to run Babylon 5, since Sheridan now has bigger fish to fry, while in the background a sinister plot unfolds.


Keith D. Jones

Best word I can think of to describe the season 5 open credits is "pretentious". This fits with the season 4 finale dedication. Paraphrasing: "to everyone who said we would fail." It's hard to remember just how stacked the deck was against the show succeeding, including all the talk that B5 was ripping off DS9 when it was the other way around, and all the talk that the show was awful, etc, etc. So, yeah, there's something of a smug "victory lap" thing going on with season 5. The only season 5 episode I've watched more than once is View From the Gallery. The thing that bugged me the most about the season is kind of my own fault. About half way through the season, a character says something, and I immediately thought "Oh, wouldn't it be really cool if X is what's really going on." Well . . . that didn't happen, and I was crushed because what does happen is downright pedestrian in comparison.


The ambassador that the assassin kills is from the Gaim. If I remember correctly they were named as a homage to Neil Gaiman and the design of their enviroment suit was inspired by Morpheus' helmet from Sandman,