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My girl Ivonnova gets her most badass moment as she takes on the Earth fleet as Garibaldi and friends work to free Sheridan as the Jumpgate podcast continues! 


Jumpgate #86 - Between the Darkness and the Light

Vera Wylde and Jessie Gender take up residence on Babylon 5, taking in one episode at a time. Season 4, Episode 19, Between the Darkness and the Light - Franklin, Garibaldi, and Lyta attempt to rescue Sheridan while Ivanova leads the fleet against Earth's latest war machines.



I watched it while it was airing I still want to know what was really going on with her contract or if was something else behind the scenes.

Raven Woods

Claudia is still alive! She’s been acting on one of the firefighting shows on CBS or something. You might be confusing her with Mira Furlan (Delenn) who died just a couple of years ago. Do you have the short story JMS wrote that sort of finishes off the Marcus/Ivanova story? It’s called “Space, Time, and the Incurable Romantic”. It was released in Amazing Stories in 2000. If you don’t, I have a copy of it that I can send to you on discord or something. Lots of fans of Marcus really didn’t like it (and there’s a lot of similarities to where Lennier goes), but after reading it and reflecting on his character from the show, I think it fits.

Raven Woods

My understanding from everything that’s come out, it was sort of a confluence in bad timing. This is my understanding of the what happened and the timeline: The show was cancelled because PTEN (the network that produced B5 and distributed it in syndication) was getting axed by Warner Brothers so they could start The WB. B5 finished production with the finale being shot, and then all the actors started looking for other work. TNT then started airing B5 reruns, ordered a couple of B5 movies, then decided to pick up the fifth season very, very late (ie, production for S5 had to ramp up very quickly to shoot episode 501, Deconstruction of Falling Stars, which aired as the season 4 finale). Right after TNT approved the S5 pickup, TNT sent lawyers to a convention where most of the B5 actors were appearing to get them to sign on to the show right there. Claudia wanted to have her own lawyers look over the contract before signing it because she was up for some roles in movies, but the other actors signed on. That’s what I remember of what I read about the issue from both Claudia and JMS. My speculation is that the lawyers actually told JMS that Claudia wanted an unreasonable amount of time for movies, which is why he was pretty upset about it at the time. But Claudia also said she felt really pressured by the TNT lawyers to sign the contracts right there, and it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable request to have your own lawyers look at a contact before signing. Since they both Claudia and JMS seem to be in pretty good graces with each other now, I’m going to keep speculating that it was TNT’s lawyers that really should take most of the blame.